

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Wed Feb 4 17:33:51 2015
    N Nzane posted in Multispawn is not working.

    nope, i looked for this already, but it didnt help me either. is that the point why its not working?

    EDIT: now i put a desc.ext in my mission folder, placed a marker and the multispawn module.
    but everytime i die, i get the normal screen with "restart" and "quit".

    "respawn = "BASE";
    respawnDelay = 5;
    respawnDialog = true;"

    i only got the vanilla respawn working...

  2. Wed Feb 4 14:23:38 2015
    N Nzane started the conversation Multispawn is not working.

    I tried to place a Respawn point, per insertion. i followed every step of the tutorial but its not working.
    im using rhs units, and replaced the faction name too, but i still cannot respawn. even if i use spawning on building or
    spawning in a squad. can anybody help?

  3. Mon Feb 2 14:43:12 2015
    N Nzane joined the forum.