

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Fri Apr 24 08:09:22 2020
    D davidcit646 posted in Server crash after 2 hours of operation.

    Hey, we ran into the same problem. Any update?

  2. Thu Apr 2 09:20:52 2020
    D davidcit646 started the conversation Question About ALiVE Module Pausing.

    I'm looking for some advice here.

    I wish to pause a specific OPCOM Installation, however, it appears through the documentation that only entire swaths of ALiVE can be disabled. I have set the variable names of my OPCOM Installations and wish to pause those, not entire parts of the ALiVE system. Is there any way I can do that? Currently, the following does not work (yes, it is in the same case as the variable name on the modules).

    [["opf_comm_sp_air","gren_comm_sp_air"] call ALiVE_fnc_unPauseModule; ] call ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule;

    Adversely, I was thinking about simply deleting the objective through ALiVE. Would something like what I have below work?

    ["removeObjective", ["opf_comm_sp_air"]] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
  3. 5 years ago
    Tue Feb 25 09:34:31 2020
    D davidcit646 started the conversation Questions Regarding Custom Factions.

    I made a faction using the Orbat creator, now I wish to use that faction inside a mission, I get CSAT spawning instead of the faction I created. Am I missing anything from my mission file? Thanks in advance!

  4. Sun Jan 12 10:53:01 2020
    D davidcit646 started the conversation Server crash after 2 hours of operation.

    Exits with:
    17:39:58 ErrorMessage: Too many virtual memory blocks requested
    17:39:58 Application terminated intentionally
    ErrorMessage: Too many virtual memory blocks requested

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  5. Fri Nov 8 03:20:16 2019
    D davidcit646 started the conversation Question about Ground Clutter.

    What class names to I have to add to the ALiVE (Required) Garbage Clutter to work?

    Stupid question, but I can't seem to find an answer. If there is a link to a page that explains this, then please link me to it. Otherwise simply give me the class names.


  6. Fri Nov 8 03:16:42 2019
    D davidcit646 joined the forum.