Last active 5 years ago
So i clicked on all factions and pasted the entire thing into autogen.hpp. After trying to start arma 3 i get the error message
"File test\autogen.hpp, line 19;/cfgroups/EAST/O_SovietUnion/infantry/: 'u' encountered instead of '{'"
I have no idea what it is trying to refer to.
// Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator
// Generated with Arma 3 version 196.146114 on Stable branch
// Generated with ALiVE version
class CfgFactionClasses {
class O_SovietUnion {
displayName = "Soviet";
side = 0;
flag = "\a3\Data_F_Exp\Flags\flag_VIPER_CO.paa";
icon = "\a3\Data_F_Exp\Flags\flag_VIPER_CO.paa";
priority = -8;
class CfgGroups {
class EAST {
class O_SovietUnion {
name = "Soviet";
class Infantry {
name = "Infantry";
class o_soviet union_rhs_group_rus_vdv_infantry_recon_company_hq {
name = "Company HQ";
These are the first 27 lines, if someone could help id appreciate it.