

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Wed Feb 18 19:55:21 2015
    S slade04 posted in Infinite loading screen.

    @Friznit http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Infinite_Load_Screen

    Btw add me on steam: Sgt.Slender man

  2. Wed Feb 18 19:54:08 2015
    S slade04 posted in Infinite loading screen.

    @Friznit http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Infinite_Load_Screen

    Already tried going there. Didn't help.

  3. Tue Feb 17 20:30:22 2015
    S slade04 started the conversation Infinite loading screen.

    Ok so I get an infinite loading screen while while using the AI commander module, The Miltary placement module, Virtural AI system module, Requires Alive module, Civillian Population module, and the Civillian placement module. I tried lowering how many units the military placement module puts on the map. And it didn't work. It would be appreciated if somebody could respond. Thanks, slade04.

  4. Sat Oct 11 19:39:32 2014
    S slade04 posted in How use Admin Actions Module?.

    @Riley By default it is the app menu key. The key between your right windows and right control keys.

    What do you mean? What app menu key?

  5. Sat Oct 11 19:15:52 2014
    S slade04 started the conversation How use Admin Actions Module?.

    Which button do I press to use Admin Actions Module? Please help!

  6. Sat Oct 11 19:12:36 2014
    S slade04 joined the forum.