

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Tue Feb 24 05:57:33 2015
    F Fat_Lurch started the conversation Re: issue #75997 (FFV).

    Hi, I saw that the FFV slot issue is being worked on some more. I thought I'd mention that I'm seeing AI occupy the turrets of ground vehicles also.

    Steps to repro: place a Hunter HMG/GMG, etc. down in a mission with the Virtual AI system running.

    Thanks again for putting so much work into this! This mod is the core of how my group runs ARMA 3 Missions!

  2. Fri Feb 6 13:14:10 2015

    Ok, thanks for looking into it!

  3. Fri Feb 6 06:44:03 2015

    In the notes for the flyinheight function, it's noted that it won't work if it's set before a waypoint is assigned. Any chance this is related?

  4. Tue Jan 27 21:00:29 2015

    @Tupolov Doesn't look like it, will see if I can fix for 0.9.5

    Thank you very much!

  5. Tue Jan 27 14:52:50 2015
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Extra Pilots on benches of MH-9?.

    As a workaround I tried manually removing the extra "passengers" via code on the debug line: once the passengers are deleted, the pilot and copilot automatically dismount from the aircraft, making it combat ineffective.

    Has anyone tried anything else that worked?

  6. Tue Jan 27 14:49:01 2015

    @Tupolov Those conditional checks do not require semi colon as a terminator. Thanks for looking into it though. Altitude is set at 35m. What would be the ideal roping altitude?

    The default of 20 meters seemed to be working pretty well previously. Is the slider to command a specific altitude no longer used?


  7. Sun Jan 25 01:08:35 2015

    I looked into the FSM that controls the transport behavior, and I noticed there's a missing semicolon in the "At insertion" conditional the checks to see if the helicopter is done moving (unitReady) before commanding the final altitude before insertion. I don't know if this is the actual cause of the issue I've been seeing.

    This semicolon is also missing from the same unitReady check of other mission types:

    The "at base" conditional of the RTB mission,
    The "circle around" conditional of the Circle mission,
    The "at position" conditional of the Move mission

    I hope this helps.


  8. Sun Jan 25 00:57:19 2015
    F Fat_Lurch started the conversation Incorrect altitude during helicopter insertions.


    I have been seeing an issue with the transport where the pilot is at a different altitude than I commanded. The altitude always seems to be noticeably higher.

    I only have seen this behavior when the pilot flies over terrain of varying altitude. When I ask the pilot to fly over a flat area, there doesn't seem to be a problem.

    There doesn't appear to be any relationship to the original altitude that I command: The pilot always seems to be at 40-50 meters altitude when he says "go". I've tried a handful of various altitudes with the same result.

    This wouldn't be much more than a nuisance save for the fact that the rope systems I've tried aren't long enough, and I wind up falling off the rope to my death.

    The behavior seems to be the same in single player and multiplayer.

    My friends and I have been using ALiVE since October and have only noticed this issue within the latest couple of versions of ALiVE.

    I've recorded a quick video that demonstrates what my friends and I have been seeing:


  9. Wed Jan 14 06:01:02 2015
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Extra Pilots on benches of MH-9?.

    Is there anything I need to do for this to make it onto the official/working bug list? Thanks

  10. Thu Jan 8 20:14:32 2015

    I should have been more clear in my description; what I was observing was the helicopter maintaining approximately 40-50 meters altitude over the marked insertion area, regardless of the height I commanded.

    I'll try to record some video for reference.


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