Last active 9 years ago
SOLVED! Groups are casesensitive
I followed the blacklisting tutorial on the Wiki, however I just can't get it to work.
I added this to my init.sqf :
if(isServer) then { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // override default data // see script/staticData.sqf ["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}; ["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; // override static data settings call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\staticData.sqf"); ["MISSION INIT - Static data override loaded"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- };
Here's the staticData.sqf:
ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_GROUPBLACKLIST = [ "RHS_SPGPlatoon_msv_bm21", "RHS_SPGSection_msv_bm21", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_chq", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_squad_aa", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp1_squad_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_bmp3m_chq", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_bmp3m_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp3m_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp3m_squad_aa", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp3m_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_bmp3m_squad_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr70_chq", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr70_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr70_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr70_squad_aa", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr70_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr70_squad_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr80_chq", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr80_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80_squad_aa", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80_squad_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr80a_chq", "rhs_group_rus_MSV_btr80a_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80a_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80a_squad_aa", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80a_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_btr80a_squad_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_chq", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_fireteam", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_MANEUVER", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_section_AA", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_section_AT", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_section_marksman", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_section_mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_squad", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_squad_2mg", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_squad_mg_sniper", "rhs_group_rus_msv_infantry_emr_squad_sniper" ]; ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_VEHICLEBLACKLIST = [ "rhs_bmp1k_vmf", "rhs_bmp1k_vdv", "rhs_bmp1k_vv", "rhs_bmp1k_tv", "rhs_bmp1k_msv", "rhs_bmp1p_tv", "rhs_bmp1p_vmf", "rhs_bmp1p_vdv", "rhs_bmp1p_vv", "rhs_bmp1p_msv", "rhs_bmp3_msv", "rhs_bmp3m_msv", "rhs_btr60_vmf", "rhs_btr60_vdv", "rhs_btr60_vv", "rhs_btr60_msv", "rhs_btr70_vmf", "rhs_btr70_vdv", "rhs_btr70_vv", "rhs_btr70_msv", "rhs_btr80_vmf", "rhs_btr80_vdv", "rhs_btr80_vv", "rhs_btr80_msv", "rhs_btr80a_vmf", "rhs_btr80a_vdv", "rhs_btr80a_vv", "rhs_btr80a_msv" ];
So here, I'm unsure if it is because I messed-up or if RHS AFRF strikes again.
I have it also in the init box of the "ALiVE (Required)" module, yet I still got blacklisted unit that spawns.
Mod used : RHS Escalation + ACE + CBA 3 + AiATP + FSF N'Ziwasogo + ALiVE
Thanks for your help.
Simple question, I think I saw/read that civilians can turn against you and actualy pull-out a weapon and attack you.
On this subject, is there a way to choose which pool of weapons they should use? Simply said, having them pull-out a F2000 in a cold war setting is kind of out of place, especially when none of the military forces in the mission use it.
Thanks in advance!
Apparently my community had hold-on updating RHS to 038… I will rerun my tests and report here once done.
Still, I'm confused as to why manually mapping would not work. Is the file for RHS only a staticData.sqf included in the add-on, or is it something else?
Edit : Ok, so far with last version of both ALiVE and RHS, seems to work, at least with rhs_faction_usarmy_wd, haven't tested yet Russia's one, and haven't yet tested it with custom mapping of those factions (Russia use way too much infantry on foot to my taste :P )
Edit2: Having the issue I had with "rhs_faction_msv" and "rhs_faction_vdv", again editor placed unit are not recognized as group from either factions.
Edit3: I tested every supported RHS factions, results on OPCOM/TACOM use:
"rhs_faction_usarmy_wd", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used.
"rhs_faction_usarmy_d", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used.
"rhs_faction_usmc_wd", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used.
"rhs_faction_usmc_d", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used.
"rhs_faction_insurgents", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used.
"rhs_faction_msv", Placement spawned units are used, hand placed ones are not even recognized.
"rhs_faction_vdv", Placement spawned units are used, hand placed ones are not even recognized.
ALiVE 0.9.9, RHS 0.3.8 for both Russian and USA armies.
Something related here.
I tried to manually remap the Russian VDV to my taste (with a staticData.sqf). Even tho they spawn from MIL/CIV placement modules, the AI Commander is not counting them. They are virtual profiles, they are also the units that I mapped.
But I got this in my .RPT...
MIL OPCOM - Counting 0 profiles for faction ["rhs_faction_vdv"]
So yeah, something is acting-up with RHS, since I'm able to map and make work perfectly every other factions that are not supported.
On top of that, my previous issues,
Maybe those special files need an update?
Apparently, the problem is that, for some reasons, some units spawned with custom objectives are not used by AI commander... RHS strikes again... Yet, if they come from MIL or CIV placement modules, no problem, they do their stuff...
The AI Commander had "no units" close to the objective, so he sent a unit he had control over... But this unit was on the other side of the map.
Since I only had Custom Objectives (since Celle 2 is having issues) and also to simulate an airborne staging point, the AI commander couldn't use most of 'hem.
Once I used MIL and CIV placements instead, all units were properly used.
Simple question. Is there a way to make a zone, or custom objective pre-owned by the ai commander? I have this problem where even with troops in it, it doesnt capture it until that one unit the OPCOM choosed, on the other side of the map, enters it.
Any help is welcomed. Thanks.
I personally use the "Fire For Effect" script for artillery when playing ALiVE and it is quite pleasant. However you need to manually place your artillery and sync them so they don't get profiled and virtualise.
I also thought about it when it initially happened, I had no result from it sadly.
That's what I though, until I tried the same thing with CSAT, NATO and the AAF, they received orders almost instantly, while the RHS units never received an order even after 10 minutes, and the OPCOM was whinning the whole time not having enough troop.
Also, by the rpt, those editor placed groups are not recognize by OPCOM, not counted as part of his faction, yet they are profiled.(Still talking about RHS troops)
Something is wrong with OPCOM's use of editor placed units for RHS, as the normal way of populating is working 100%.
Even wity a defined base, the problem is still occuring .