

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Sun Nov 16 00:00:44 2014

    I think it must be a conflict, try removing all other mods and then testing. Combat Logistics works fine for me in RHS :)

  2. Sat Nov 15 23:57:53 2014

    Go to your Arma 3 folder and follow this path: Arma 3\@ALiVE\demo\MP\ALiVE_Air_Assault.Altis

    (Assuming you have the latest version of the mod installed, of course)

  3. Mon Nov 10 15:35:36 2014
    spencer42 posted in Customising the ALiVE Menu.

    Care to let us know how you did it cpd? :P

  4. Mon Nov 10 15:33:21 2014
    spencer42 posted in Player-Controlled OPCOM / Convoys.

    Cheers guys :)

    Yeah I think if the AI commander was improved so they made sure their base and surrounding area was secure. FOB's can get lost and re-taken, fair enough, but I'd like the HQ to be the very last thing to take, so that there's an end to the mission and you can't just sneak to their base, take out the forces there are ruin their attacks.

    How about an optional HQ module? Where you can state a distance from the module where any enemy contact becomes the priority for the OPCOM? So if the opponent launches a full-scale attack on their HQ they pull ALL their forces back to make a last-stand. This could also replace the auto-finding of a HQ location for Military Logistics, as the current system can be a little hit and miss.

    Just some ideas, keep up the good work! :)

  5. Fri Nov 7 13:48:54 2014
    spencer42 started the conversation Player-Controlled OPCOM / Convoys.

    Hi, I've been played whole-island ALiVE missions, and have been ending up with situations like this after an hour or so: -image-

    So I was wondering if there was any possibility in having some kind of player intervention into a side's movement? Because as you see in the screenshot, BLUFOR have pushed North to the high-priority airfield, and OPFOR have pushed South. The problem is, BLUFOR are losing their FOB's (which have custom objectives with quite high priorities), have lost Elektro and soon to lose Cherno, yet neither side seem to pull forces back to defend their bases (OPFOR base was NWAF with added custom objective), or at least not nearly enough :/

    So would it be possible to have a player intervention, so if a player knows there are a lot of forces headed towards base then the can pull AI back to help defend?

    Second, minor point, is will the Military Convoys be reinstated into a different module at some point? I quite liked having them truckin' about :P

    Thanks in advance :)

  6. Wed Nov 5 13:12:44 2014

    Awesome, thanks ARJay :)

  7. Tue Nov 4 18:53:36 2014

    The CAS and Transport modules worked fine with all the heli's for me, just the artillery that didn't :S

  8. Tue Nov 4 17:19:10 2014
    spencer42 started the conversation RHS: Escalation US Artillery not working.

    Hi, when using the RHS: Escalation mod with ALiVE, I put the ALiVE support modules down, CAS and Transport work fine, but the US Artillery will appear but you don't get the option in-game on the tablet to actually fire at anything, it just constantly says 'Unit is ready for fire mission'. I haven't yet tried with the Russian Artillery, will let you know when I have if you don't get to it first..!

    Hope this helps you guys improve the mod, keep up the great work! :)

  9. Tue Nov 4 17:15:02 2014
    spencer42 started the conversation [SP/MP] Putin's Dream RELEASE.

    Hi everyone, I've just finished the first release of my ALiVE mission, so please check out the mission and see what you think! :)

    Release Page

    Steam Page

    Download Link

  10. Sat Oct 18 21:14:22 2014
    spencer42 posted in Create Objective Mid-Mission.

    Hi, is there a way to set the priority for this? There doesn't seem to be in the parsed params :/

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