Last active 4 months ago
There is this snippet in the wiki which may work if you change it to accommodate HC's.
The change I suggested above should work I think, something I should test at some stage.
We have this issue as well, I believe it's because the autopause script uses count playableUnits
to check if the server is empty and the HC counts as a playable unit.
I did suggest it get changed to allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F";
in Discord, but never got around to raising an issue on github. I'll do that now and hopefully I'm right and it's a fairly simple fix.
Protip: Use the script version of VCOM
That way you don't have to worry about an extra mod or anything like that
I opened a ticket on GitHub a while back to add the ability to adjust the volume from 1-5, maybe make that 0-5 so it can be turned off.
Yeah ambient wildlife would be great. It'd be even better if you could spawn say a herd of goats with a goat herder
Not sure what's going on then. I use that exact code in my init.sqf and use local save as well and it definitely saves automatically.
Absolutely agree with INCON's undercover we've used it recently in a non ALiVE mission with great success
You really don't need any real scripting knowledge to use those.
Most of them should come with simple instructions. eg the fuel script says
Example for initPlayerLocal.sqf: player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {[ _this select 2] execVM "scripts\kp_fuel_consumption.sqf";}];
So you simply copy and paste that line into your initPlayer.sqf (and if you don't have one of those just make a new file in your mission folder and name it initPlayerLocal.sqf) save and you're done.
I generally have the traffic set to spawn between 3-5 vehicles and the ambient flyovers are I think set to about every 10-30 mins or something like that so it's very negligible.
It's just nice to see the odd chopper or jet fly over, although if I'm honest the jets are a little underwhelming because they fly too slow. I might have to have a look and see if I can't fix that at some stage.
I've never made a mission on CLAfghan, I should give it a go sometime. I know other have added camps with custom objectives just to flesh it out a lot more.