

Last active 4 months ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Thu Feb 20 20:41:14 2020

    There is this snippet in the wiki which may work if you change it to accommodate HC's.

    The change I suggested above should work I think, something I should test at some stage.

  2. Wed Feb 19 21:26:03 2020

    We have this issue as well, I believe it's because the autopause script uses count playableUnits to check if the server is empty and the HC counts as a playable unit.

    I did suggest it get changed to allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"; in Discord, but never got around to raising an issue on github. I'll do that now and hopefully I'm right and it's a fairly simple fix.


  3. Thu Nov 7 04:34:58 2019

    Protip: Use the script version of VCOM

    That way you don't have to worry about an extra mod or anything like that

  4. Mon Oct 21 21:42:08 2019

    I opened a ticket on GitHub a while back to add the ability to adjust the volume from 1-5, maybe make that 0-5 so it can be turned off.

  5. Sat Oct 5 01:59:06 2019

    Yeah ambient wildlife would be great. It'd be even better if you could spawn say a herd of goats with a goat herder

  6. Wed Oct 2 19:27:32 2019
    JD_Wang posted in Auto Pause Feature & Clafghan.

    Not sure what's going on then. I use that exact code in my init.sqf and use local save as well and it definitely saves automatically.

  7. Mon Sep 30 22:01:21 2019

    Absolutely agree with INCON's undercover we've used it recently in a non ALiVE mission with great success

  8. Sun Sep 29 19:58:18 2019

    You really don't need any real scripting knowledge to use those.
    Most of them should come with simple instructions. eg the fuel script says

    Example for initPlayerLocal.sqf: player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {[ _this select 2] execVM "scripts\kp_fuel_consumption.sqf";}];

    So you simply copy and paste that line into your initPlayer.sqf (and if you don't have one of those just make a new file in your mission folder and name it initPlayerLocal.sqf) save and you're done.

  9. Sun Sep 29 09:35:56 2019

    I generally have the traffic set to spawn between 3-5 vehicles and the ambient flyovers are I think set to about every 10-30 mins or something like that so it's very negligible.

    It's just nice to see the odd chopper or jet fly over, although if I'm honest the jets are a little underwhelming because they fly too slow. I might have to have a look and see if I can't fix that at some stage.

  10. Sun Sep 29 09:32:42 2019
    JD_Wang posted in Auto Pause Feature & Clafghan.

    I've never made a mission on CLAfghan, I should give it a go sometime. I know other have added camps with custom objectives just to flesh it out a lot more.

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