Last active 8 years ago
Some Help would be appreciated. I am on Altis, setting up an Asymmetric insurgency. I have dived the map in half with two markers, and have an Opcom in Asymmetric mode synced to, two sets of civ and mil placement modules one with the TAOR set to the east marker and one set with the west marker, so both halves of the map are covered, they are set to objectives only, i have hand placed some units down for the opcom to start with. However it seems to be insistent on sending all units it can to objectives near the Pyrgos area, where as the player forces deploy from the AAC airfield. Is there a way to make it so that the units in the east half only operate on objectives in the east marker, and the western units only operate in their western marker? I tried setting up two opcoms one for each half but you can only have one opcom assigend to a single faction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also some insight into how the AI recognize and behave when players enter and hold an objective they are aware of would be helpful. E.G: If using the player logistics i set up a FOB in the town of Athira which the opcom new about, would they recognize that as a player base and try to assault/raid it if they felt they had the force strength to do so?