

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 22 00:04:40 2016

    Thank you

  2. Sun Mar 20 02:30:44 2016

    I have the same problem, the mission successfully recorded without error but to get stuck in again loadscream, was replaced all the modules and reset mission database and the same error remains

    Log mission played and recorded:


    Log loading mission:


  3. Mon Mar 7 17:30:20 2016
    C capsoso posted in HC not being utilized? (SOLVED).

    It will only work on assignments made in 2D editor, editor Eden still not working

  4. Sun Feb 14 00:34:18 2016
    C capsoso started the conversation Player data broken.

    Hello Alive folks,

    I've been using player persistence for abouth a month or two, and since the last week, player's positions and data arent being saved. Is there any way we can fix this without erasing or reseting our own database?

  5. 9 years ago
    Mon Jan 25 13:32:26 2016
    C capsoso posted in War room stopped working ?.
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.0a-9563efa
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]     Function: StartALiVE
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]             - [true]
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Configuration found: C:\Users\Pc\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     No URL in config. Using default.
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]     Alive Config:
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]         Type:  JSON
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]         User:  i6a3osyfapohoryfyjo7apeqymy7azu2
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]         Pass:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]         Group: ZC
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [debug]         URL:   http://db.alivemod.com:5984
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Checking WarRoom access...
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]         WarRoom access granted.
    [2016-01-25 07:00:59] [info]     Checking DB access...
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2780.74ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Function: GroupName
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [info]     GroupName: ZC
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Return value [['ZC']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0.501ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]             - [sys_data/config]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:01:02] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:04] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2215.19ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_profile/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug]             - [sys_profile/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:01:07] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2215.69ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','mil_cqb/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug]             - [mil_cqb/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:01:39] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2202.67ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_tasks/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test_TASK','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]             - [sys_tasks/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test_TASK]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:01:41] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:44] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2207.18ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','mil_opcom/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug]             - [mil_opcom/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:01:45] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:47] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2201.67ms
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [debug]     Function: ServerName
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [info]     Config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\c:\users\pc\appdata\local\temp\tmpzunwhy 
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [error]     Error: Unable to open config file
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [error]     RAW:   ServerName
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [debug]     Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file']]
    [2016-01-25 07:01:49] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0.501ms
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','mil_logistics/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test_FORCE_POOL','']]
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug]     Function: SendJSON
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug]             - [GET]
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug]             - [mil_logistics/ZC_coop_zonadecombate_stable_test_FORCE_POOL]
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [debug]             - []
    [2016-01-25 07:02:32] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error]     Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error]     RAW:   Couldn't connect to server
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error]     Error: curlGet() failed
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [error]     RAW:   ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [debug]     Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2016-01-25 07:02:34] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2202.17ms
  6. Mon Jan 25 13:09:08 2016
    C capsoso started the conversation War room stopped working ?.

    Today when trying to load a mission with the same Alive can not connect to the servers Alive. This mission had no change and yesterday was conecantando normally.

  7. Fri Jan 15 11:51:39 2016
    C capsoso posted in server drops to 0 fps...

    In some tests put I used the disable_cba_cache apparently gave no server crash, but the units have stopped respecting the black list marker

  8. Wed Dec 9 00:37:03 2015

    Various communities with the same problem..


  9. Mon Dec 7 23:03:54 2015

    thank you very much for your attention, I am using this mission persistently a few months without problems and it appeared after upgrade

  10. Mon Dec 7 17:10:22 2015

    I have only the RPT sent in the previous post and find out statistics

    AddInitAndRemove Overridden statistics ... all messages = 2983
    485 ... Type_10
    21 ... Type_27
    313 ... Type_49
    75 ... Type_50
    54 ... Type_52
    41 ... Type_53
    407 ... Type_57
    119 ... Type_58
    212 ... Type_63
    2 ... Type_170
    1 ... Type_174
    2 ... Type_231
    9 ... Type_254
    1030 ... Type_272
    66 ... Type_273
    35 ... Type_275
    1 ... Type_276
    99 ... Type_277
    4 ... Type_305
    4 ... Type_335
    1 ... Type_340
    2 ... Type_373

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