Last active 9 years ago
Yeah, I noticed that as well during my testing.
Does IED's and suiciders work using stock civilians or is this another issue?
Thanks Spyder,
I will try it and see what happens.
Hi there,
I'm having an issue creating a asymmetric mission with custom civilian factions.
I can only make civilian interaction (Get intel, talk etc.) work when using the stock A3 civilians. If I use any other faction like Leights, then no option appears in the scroll menu.
Does anybody know if this is a general problem with Alive or if I am making some mistake?
Yeah, I got that impression as well, but I wasn't aware of the existence of Leights.
(Was using this page as a guide to factions:
Will definitely try out Leights now.
Thanks.. :)
That sounds like great fun.
I was planning on a traditional east vs. west operation, but the more I read about ALiVE Asymmetric, the more enticing it seems. Maybe it is time for an insurgency op.
What would be a good faction for the insurgents? AGGRESSORS perhaps?
Nice one, thanks for the pointer :)
Will definitely check out Al Rayak.
Don't see it on but I assume it is indexed?
( mentions it under re-indexing though.
Actually scratch that..
Can anybody recommend a good ARMA 3 map for a large scale op with ALiVE?
We are almost done with a full map op on Altis and I am unsure what new map to try out.
Just a quick update question.
Is there an ETA on re-indexing Bornholm? Would love to setup an op on that map, being Danish and all :)
I do use the -config parameter but that refers to the normal server config (config.cfg) file which in our case resides in a subdirectory of the Arma 3 game folder.
So not really related to the alive.cfg i guess?