Last active 7 years ago
So from what I understand the conditions for defending is elimination of the attacking force. However, I found sometimes that attacking force gets side tracked. I suggest after waiting for around 15mins or so to begin to actively patrol the area in a circle fashion going further and further out. Drone scouting makes this process even faster. I had one attack were the units spawned almost 2km out, but their trucks got wrecked and they ended up trying to hoof it. Took them almost a hour to get there/
@HeroesandvillainsOS That's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks Spyder.
Another option, if your struggling with large enemy numbers. Is to go up to platoon level via high command modules that come with Arma 3 by default. These modules allow you to command entire units, rather then just individual soldiers. It also allows you to assign them waypoints like Search and Destroy. Which will cause them to search the area on their own rather then you having to order them around.
I actually had a lot of fun being part of a mechanized platoon. But you might find yourself sitting a little further from the battle and commanding rather then fighting.
So just to translate what you are requesting I'll explain it from a actual military situation. Basically what you are wanting is what is called a QRF(Quick Reaction Force). These are units that are at combat ready to deploy at a moments notice. These units are generally highly mobile, but can vary depending on Operation and command.
Now going back to Alive's logistics you have a bit diffren't behavior then what a QRF is. When requesting logistical troops as reinforcements, you are basically requesting command to assemble some troops to send over. It takes time(Sometimes a long time) and you might find yourself hanging around the area for awhile before anything pulls up. I haven't got to test some of the latest versions of Alive recently, but I believe the bigger amount of troops, the more time it takes to assemble them. The best bet you can do is debug your mission and keep track of a large cluster of profiles that spawn at your supply point. To assure that it isn't just you not waiting long enough vs the AI getting stuck some were.
As for a solution, you probably best using custom scripting to create a radio command. When you trigger the radio, you can spawn a profiled group from a certain point to your location, or a composition of profiles. Unlike the logistics request, these units will spawn instantly and be on their way. I'm sure their is other parts to it such as getting them to search and destroy around the town. But I'm not a scripter and don't have my gaming rig done to figure it out yet.
Try messing with some AI mods. The AI is pretty much vanilla AI once they spawn in, and the vanilla AI doesn't react much at a long distance fire. Several mods will cause the AI to calculate or take more aggressive defensive actions. This might effect TACOM however and could cause glitches.
Just think of that shady drug dealer on the corner of the street by the lamp post. Only he is trying to recruit insurgents instead. :D
Sound about right. I'm sure their is more to it considering that I often find wiped out unit's in positions what seems appropriate to the AI movement. Such as unit's dismounted and moved out slightly, or within a cover spot. I think this would be a great wiki article for the team to elaborate on. As it provides good insight on how things behave for mission makers. I can understand however if they have some reservations of not revealing this information.
So exactly how does virtual profiles fight each other? I have found several situations were entire battle groups get held up by a infantry group. Yet once I go into range to unvirtual them, I find out it's just some special forces guy and he quickly dies. Is it a randomize number system or some sort of stats for each profiled group?
You would need three opcoms. One for the occupation force, one for the Asymmetric, then one for the invader. Remember the overall unit control is by faction rather then side. So you could have Opfor as the occupation, then Opfor_FIA for the Asymmetric side.
The third would be your invading force. You will have to adjust a lot of the army size and competition to get the flavor your wishing for.