

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Wed Jan 6 18:53:13 2016

    I think as long as the factions are setup to be under control of the civilian population and AI Commander modules respectively, it shouldn't matter which you choose.

  2. Wed Jan 6 00:51:12 2016

    I noticed something similar, not sure if it's the same issue, but it's worth noting: if civilian hostility is set anywhere higher than low, it seems some roadblocks spawn with hostile FIA (OPF_G_F or BLU_G_F) manning the position. This was happening to me in a mission where there were no OPFOR or OPF_G_F anywhere in the mission or modules, yet those roadblocks were still spawning in based on that civilian hostility value.

  3. Tue Jan 5 21:24:34 2016
    jmlane posted in ALiVE Command Tablet.

    The C2ISTAR Operations feature if I'm not mistaken.

  4. Tue Jan 5 21:20:59 2016
    jmlane posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    Re. #5: I was thinking about trying to script together something that would use the curator event handlers to call [LOGIC_ALIVE, "updateObject", [_object]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics so that I could use curators to setup persistent objects. I've only just looked at the BIS wiki for curators briefly and the Player Logistics documentation, so I haven't worked out the details of an implementation yet.

  5. Tue Jan 5 20:30:16 2016
    jmlane posted in ALiVE Command Tablet.

    Agreed! I had no idea that was possible given the current wiki documentation and UI in game. Great contribution @SpyderBlack723.

    @SpyderBlack723 You can do that by simply ordering nearby groups to your location and changing the waypoint characteristics. That feature was developed before the high command was created, which rendered the requesting reinforcements useless.

    By this, do you mean that requesting reinforcements is useless because of the military logistics feature or just the tablet operations menu allows you to assign units to the position you want reinforced?

  6. Tue Jan 5 20:15:44 2016

    Ctrl+Right-Click is the default bind, not sure if you can change it.

    It is very finicky however. You're best bet to semi-reliably get the markers to delete is to zoom all the way in on the marker and hold ctrl while right-clicking the middle of the marker. It takes some patience, but that should eventually work.

  7. Tue Jan 5 20:13:34 2016

    I assume the IP concerns are the same reason you don't have an open-source license and aren't using a public service like Github or BitBucket to manage your source, issues, and possible contributions? I'm particularly fond of that style of collaborative development so I'd love to see ALiVE relicense and/or move to an open repository for easier contributions in the future.

  8. Sun Jan 3 19:40:42 2016

    Yeah, that looks unofficial to me as well. I'd be pleasantly surprised if not though!

  9. Sun Jan 3 19:37:43 2016

    Thanks @SpyderBlack723, this is really helpful.

  10. Sun Jan 3 01:53:23 2016
    jmlane started the conversation Asymmetric recruitment and vehicles.

    It doesn't look like the asymmetric recruitment will replace or create new technical/offroad patrols when using FIA as the faction. Is there a recommended way to have the asymmetric faction continuously create new motorized (or other non-light infantry) units? Bonus points if it can factor in the default recruitment system.

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