

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sun Feb 14 20:50:15 2016
    F Fuhajins posted in Thank you!.

    Thank you, one of the best mods along with AI and gameplay mods so far. Its a must have. Chapeau !

  2. Sun Feb 14 20:44:49 2016

    No, readiness is more local. its if the AI will patrol around, walk, use statics/garrison. Low readiness make them stay in the middle waiting, somewhat. . Hope i did not mistake.

    I have seen my defensive AI, who had no more obj to capture, regroup like 3 to 4 groups to defend from a incoming enemy assault. The level of intel was set to high, i do not know if this is tied or not. But apparently, if the AI know something nasty is coming, he does indeed react. Loves this mod.

  3. Sun Feb 14 20:26:12 2016

    Good evening.
    I got some help and this is working:

    _radius = 800;
    _numPlayersByEntity = {_x distance getMarkerPos "Mark" < _radius} count allPlayers;

    _number = (count ([getMarkerPos "Mark", 1000, ["GUER","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles));

    _result = (_number - _numPlayersByEntity);

    hint format [" %1 players. %2 ALIVE entities. %3 ALIVE AI entities.", _numPlayersByEntity, _number, _result];

    Now i can have the count without players included.

  4. Sun Feb 14 17:15:28 2016


    Yes indeed its from the QCB modules spawns. Have this with 0.9 and 1.0 (vanilla CBA+ALIVE).
    Maybe it is working as intended or my Arma have some issue, i do not know about this.
    Anyway for curiosity i am also getting Ghillies boys, crewmen, pilots and such.

  5. Fri Feb 12 13:01:56 2016

    This happen to me actually at Pyrgos with a civilian module and low density of vehicles.

  6. Wed Feb 10 20:00:24 2016

    Usually the AI seem to use a Platoon level (3-4 entities) to attack and at least one to defend/occupy. Try to add the total number of base, + 4 and then some more to see how it behave? I guess more experienced people could answer.

  7. Wed Feb 10 09:36:49 2016

    I did try this and some other way and it does not work.
    I can't get the right count of player close to "Mark" then get it subtracted from the Alive entities count.
    I placed 2 ALIVE groups, then the player himself into the 1000 meters area.

    _playerCount = {isPlayer _x} count playableUnits;

    hint format ["Active players count is %1 .",_playerCount]; // give 1

    sleep 4;

    _playerClose = {isPlayer _x} count (position player nearEntities ["Mark", 1000]);

    hint format ["%1 player(s) supporting AAF forces.",_playerClose]; // give 0

    sleep 2;

    _number = count ([getposATL Mark, 1000, ["GUER","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles);

    _result = (_number - _playerClose);

    sleep 2;

    if (_result > 1)
    then {
    hint format ["There are %1 AAF squads.",_result]}
    else {
    hint format ["There is %1 AAF squad left.",_result]
    }; // give 3

    My code must be wrong anyway but still i can't see where :x.

  8. Tue Feb 9 18:04:13 2016
    F Fuhajins started the conversation Filter out the player(s) from my code (resolved)..

    Hello, i am newbie in scripting and did this code to trigger some event in a mission for dedicated server i am working on.
    If the AAF ALIVE AI entities are great than 2 in a designated area, it should fire the trigger.
    But i found out that ALIVE take into account the player as an entity (?). I would like to know if there is a way to filter out the player.

    (this && (triggerActivated JoinTrig)) or
    count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 1300, ["GUER","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles) > 2

    sorry for my bad English.

  9. Mon Jan 18 19:59:28 2016

    Thank you for the link. So if i understand; i put this into my ALIVE (required) init field and voilà.

    ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_diver_F","I_diver_TL_F","I_diver_exp_F"];

  10. Sun Jan 17 20:42:26 2016

    Just tried it and it does work ! Thank you a lot. It's weird that AAF spawn divers into building, but that's another story :D
    Have a nice evening.

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