
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Fri Feb 12 18:02:03 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Negative, we never use Blufor Commanders.

  2. Fri Feb 12 17:39:02 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    I typically place OpCom modules with ALiVE regardless if I'm using RHS or Leights Opfor. Most of the time my missions are comprised of the Asymetric module with only Civ/Mil objectives. I leave the CQB and IED not synced to OpCom.

    If we do set RHS factions as the OpCom, I typically switch it to occupation instead of Asymetric. But this is almost never as we usually fight insurgent groups 80% of our operations. I hope this answers your question.

  3. Fri Feb 12 01:27:27 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    SOAR_Jooce and I have worked on this problem some more. It is 100% RHS conflicting with ALiVE. We only had CBA, ALIVE, RHS(s) and got a crash within a half an hour. Confirming the theory that is indeed RHS. No logs can be generated due to the nature of the hang or freeze (whatever term is preferred for the units running in place).

  4. Thu Feb 11 20:18:45 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Has anyone 100% confirmed the issue to be RHS? Meaning @alive, @cba and @rhs only? The staticData change is really really new and these crashes have been reported for quite some time now.

    Edit: I was also under the impression that the BIdmp and a MDMP files not generating was an issue with the newer performance binaries. Am I wrong on that?

    My unit has had crashes with ALiVE, ACE, RHS, CBA. (We may have possibly had Leights Opfor, can't remember at this time).

    And the Bidmp and MDMP file dumps have been a issue throughout 1.54 and not necessarily on the newer performance binaries. Before when my group was having crashes and we were still using ALiVE we had issues generating the Bidmp and MDMP files, both before and after adding performance binaries from Dwarden. I believe we tested V14-17 before finally removing ALiVE to get stability back.

  5. Thu Feb 11 17:52:27 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    @ski2060 Yeah, but when it sits there for hours without fully crashing it kind of impacts your ability to use the server to play on. So it just gets restarted or the mission changed.

    If I can find a suitable replacement for RHS I would use it. CUP would most likely work, but lots of my unit guys don't seem to like CUP, and think their models are too low quality for some reason.

    This is the exact situation we have been put in as well. The server will just freeze and will not create any meaningful logs. If we don't shut down the server manually it will hang there forever.

    CUP is a quantity over quality mod (weapon/unit) so its not an option for replacing RHS which is quality over quantity. I used to be a CUP supporter until I realized this fact.

    And we can't drop RHS to support ALiVE to only have CUP as a backup. Its why we have chosen RHS over ALiVE at this point. We can replace some of the functionality of ALiVE with DAC if we need to. Obviously we would prefer ALiVE but seeing as there really isn't hope for a fix in the near future, we will have to focus on implementing DAC with Headless Client.

    If the ALiVE devs can give us something to test other than "CBA, ALiVE, and ACE" we will help, but testing redundant mod packs is out of the question at this point. We know those three are not conflicting, and we know RHS is.

  6. Thu Feb 11 16:44:23 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    @Tupolov @SOAR_Jooce honestly, your point about CBA and ALiVE working fine was lost in the noise :) If that is the case then we just need to ID the mod it conflicts with.

    We appreciate your testing and effort absolutely. As you can imagine we want to focus on specific ALiVE issues. If we can nail down if its ALiVE and ACE (for example), then we know where to start. This thread just is full of people reporting issues with a whole mix of mods, we just don't have the spare hours to chase those combination of mods down.

    We are interested in fixing any conflict with ACE (or RHS).

    If someone can confirm the issue with CBA, ALIVE and ACE - that would be great!

    Also, if someone can confirm the issue exists with ALiVE 0.9.9 (and any modset) that would be useful too!

    Thanks for your patience and apologies for any perceived "aggro" from us :)

    If you do confirm that issue - please pass us RPT log, plugin log and the mission SQM/files.


    Your own Developers have said they have reproduced it with 100% success rate. Using CBA/ALIVE an ACE is pointless at this time. Are you not in communication with your developers?

    If they have a 100% success rate of reproducing the issue, why are we going back to square one? We have done nothing but support ALiVE and give information non stop. We tested Alive 1.0 within 30 minutes of hearing it was released. And as soon as we report it does not fix the issue Tupolov goes full defensive on the Arma subreddit, Tupolov acts like ALiVE cannot possibly be conflicting with the mods, even though your developers have now clearly stated that it does.

    "It does not mean that ALiVE is at fault. Until we can get a reproducible issue without other mods (i.e. just CBA and ALiVE) then we can actually go about fixing something." - Tupolov

    Guess what, if removing ALiVE from our modpack brings stability. It does mean ALiVE is partially to blame.
    Now please work with your developer who says he has a 100% chance of reproducing the issue, it seems like he is the only one actually doing positive work to get this done and fixed.

  7. Wed Feb 10 14:52:42 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Jaypee, to confirm what you are saying. You have been running an ALiVE server with no RHS and received no freezes?

  8. Tue Feb 9 20:02:54 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    My group has narrowed it down to a short list of mods that could be the culprit to the conflict:

    Leights Opfor

    As others have said, ACE seems pretty universal for communities using ALiVE and still receiving crashes. I just listed RHS and Leights because they seem like the only other mods besides ACE that would interact in anyway with ALiVE. There is however the underlying possibility that just having to many mods causes ALiVE to crash.

    The only way we were able to stop the crashes was to completely remove ALiVE.

    To add to what SavageCDN has posted, we have received many of the "Object 4:36 not found (message Type_119)" errors with different "type_XXX" errors. Off the top of my head I believe 121 was another error that frequently occurred during the crashes with ALiVE.

    Any support we can give to solve the issue we will. We still support ALiVE 100% and want to see it re-added and this frustrating issue put behind the ALiVE community.

  9. Tue Feb 9 15:51:53 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Just tested Alive 1.0. No fix for the problem in this thread. We will have to continue to not use ALiVE till the problem is fixed. Which sucks. I want my MSO operations back =/

  10. Tue Feb 9 15:50:19 2016
    S SOAR_Griz joined the forum.