

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sun May 8 18:02:20 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS @SavageCDN

    Been putting in some more hours today based on your feedback - making progress. Got ALiVE spawning bad guys in a specific area and been having some fun testing with triggers and the AI Skill module. All seems to be going well.

    I am sure I will have another question or 27 sometime soon, but wanted to update and appreciate the time you took to offer your experience and insight.

  2. Thu May 5 03:23:38 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.


    TADST was updated!

  3. Tue May 3 00:38:52 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.

    Thanks for the input, I will see about working that out this evening after our group does our mission tonight.

  4. Mon May 2 04:23:21 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.


    Had some decent success tonight in playing around - was trying to set up some stuff on one of the CUP terrains (Porto) but ALiVE gave me some trouble. I switched over to Stratis and managed to create a very simple spawn of bad guys, although I have not fine tuned it yet. My first goal is to learn what I need to do to make ALiVE do something very specific as in "spawn a fireteam exactly here". I have gotten them to spawn in a vicinity, but as inexperienced as a lot of my teammates are, we need to go to an exact spot.

    If you have any insights to offer on that, would be great. Otherwise, having a lot of fun learning and doing.

  5. Sun May 1 15:50:55 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.


    Thanks for the response and commentary on TADST. I just got back to reading this morning - long work week and feeling under the weather. I am glad someone confirmed some issues though - in my Arma group I have long held the contention, ALIVE or not, that with all the recent difficulty changes to Arma, and when you throw in mods like ACE, how does the game know what to set and how does it prevent mods or tools from clobbering each others' settings? We have seen an example where we set a sniper that was spawned in to have, relatively, zero chance of hitting anything...and somehow he bullseyes a helicopter pilot through the glass while coming in for landing with about a 40% success rate. Given the settings we forced down on that unit, not *impossible*, but he beat some long effin' odds. My contention has been that either a mod or the server tool is either not forcing down the set difficulty or another mod is taking priority where we did not set those settings.

    I will keep this in mind as I work to design ALIVE-based stuff.

  6. Wed Apr 27 22:17:04 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.


    Thanks for the comments and they are certainly taken to mind as we start our design work tonight. We are starting with small iterative objectives - they will be very COD-like missions at first, but, as you pointed out, that was nearly my exact same thought...I want to see how ALiVE puts these units into action and how me and my friend or a couple others might have to respond to them. We also use TADST on our server so I took to notice when you mentioned that in first talking to @Woody05

    I have a lot of hope in using ALiVE as it seems to be quite powerful - off to go test now! Thanks again.

  7. Wed Apr 27 20:56:01 2016
    singularity80 posted in Small group play.

    Slow day at the office here and I caught this thread as well after reading/watching the tutorials much like Woody05 did...I appreciate you all contributing and offering insights. A friend of mine and myself are also trying to design ALIVE scenarios that play out on much smaller scales and there's a lot of good stuff for me to review here. Going to do some testing tonight, I will relay what I have encountered.

  8. Wed Apr 27 14:17:32 2016
    singularity80 joined the forum.