Last active 7 years ago
Hi again. Been trying to wrangle an HQ issue with Custom Objective Mil Placement modules. Compositions spawned by the module are not being recognised as HQ's...
Here's a snippet from the RPT (NB: I have not listed anything in the 'Custom Composition' field):
14:32:25 ALiVE [m_8|100] Module ALiVE_mil_placement_custom INIT 14:32:25 ALIVE CMP - Warning no HQ locations found, spawning composition 14:32:25 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/FieldHQLarge/CargoHQ2_IND_F,[6101.81,4717.73,0],0,"BLU_F"] 14:32:25 ALIVE CMP - Warning no HQ locations found 14:32:25 ALiVE [m_8|100] Module ALiVE_mil_placement_custom INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0849609
Should the composition spawned by the placement become the HQ?
Looking forward to a reply... any reply. Is anyone there?
I had to use Class CfgIdentities in my description.ext to stop my units speaking Russian (playing an IND faction).
It works fine until someone dies. When they respawn on group using Multispawn, they're speaking Russian instead of the english defined in the ext
How do I fix this?
Hey. On Zargabad there is a military base to the north. I noticed that with a CQB module, all the guard towers around the base are considered 'regular' and not 'strategic'.
Has this been classified by the guard tower's asset (or whatever you call it), or by the map creator?
I want the CQB to fill the guard towers up with a solo man, but it doesn't really work unless I max the CQB paramaters.
Hi. Just got back into Arma 3 after a long hiatus; re-learning ALiVE.
I'm having trouble with Blacklist Markers appearing on the map during the mission. I've named the variable space and have included that variable name in my Mil and Civ Placements modules' Blacklist fields. I've also named them BL_x, Blacklist_x, TAOR_BL_x and a bunch of other stuff, nothing works.
In the wikis, there is a the paragraph: Blacklisted areas will be ignored and can be defined using area markers with the name specified in the module params, for example BL_Faction_xx (e.g. BL_R_1). If TAOR and BL area markers overlap, Blacklist always takes precedence.
See the TAOR turtorial for a more detailed guide on how these work.
Specified names in module params... I have no idea what that means. Also, the TAOR Tutorial does not mention Blacklist Markers at all...
What have I got wrong?
This just happened to me on the Insurgency template mission. Defended the stadium from a small wave, then took missile fire, then waited 30 minutes but no Mission Success.
I changed the task in C2ISTAR to succeeded... will that mess with OPCOM suppling my team a new task?
Hi. I remember in an older version we could rename Crossroad using a field in one of the Intel modules. Can't find it anymore.
Has it been removed? Thanks
Hi. I'm trying to make an asymmetrical warfare map of my own, but I'm having trouble with the Civ Placement module.
I get this error: "warning no locations found for placement. you need to include locations in your TAOR"
I've got 2 Civ Placement modules: 1 creates high-pop in towns, the other 1 is medium pop for the AO.
The high-pop module has the following TAORS (which are markers on the map): TAOR_CIV_CIT_1;TAOR_CIV_CIT_2;TAOR_CIV_CIT_3;TAOR_CIV_CIT_4;TAOR_CIV_CIT_5;TAOR_CIV_CIT_6*
*Semi-colons I know they should be commas. I had commas, didn't work, so I tried semi-colons.
Blacklist modules: TAOR_BLK,TAOR_BLK_1,TAOR_BLK_2,TAOR_BLK_3
The Civ Placement module for the AO has: TAOR_OBJ
and same Backlists
Here's a link to the map:
What is the issue? Is it because I have so many overlapping TAORs? Or can you not use multiple TAORs in Civ Placement modules?
Today is the day I ask a dozen questions! Sorry, haha.
A previous poster has (sort of) asked the question how to add Combat Support...with scripts or trigger.. ARJay responded an AddAction trigger for the Alive Tablet would work. Another user, Acer90, said to use "ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportInit and synchronizeObjectsAdd" and then the thread unfortunately ended.
I have a mission that includes Artillery Support via the Alive Tablet; tested and working (woohoo for me). But I've tested the mission once and I think I want the Artillery Support to be a reward for the players... I want it to be "OFFLINE" from the beginning, and come online only after the player complete's the condition of a trigger.
I don't mind if the Arty asset appears on the tablet; I'd actually love if the tablet spat out some failed connection bit when the players try to use the asset... COMMUNICATION ERROR - REASON: SIGNAL JAMMING
The idea is that there is a custom objective that includes a radio tower players have to destroy with a satchel charge. Once destroyed, the trigger activates and brings Arty communications online.
...not really sure where to start.
@rescue1lt ah ok makes sense now. Thanks for your help. I'll beat up my server hosting company.
Its not Wombat Servers is it? I had trouble with the DLL files for Aliveserver but I wasnt sure if it was me or server limitation. Got fed up, decided to forgo persistence and shelved it as a low priority in my list of "ARMA things to learn"
I left a pretty basic co-op mission open yesrerday fir 12 hours. I loaded it adter that and found PCMLs and TITAN launchers all over the joint. The garbage collector hadnt bothered with them.
These items were in the BLU_F TAOR if that makes a difference.
EDIT: The launcher debris was from players. I have an addaction script that let's the player insta-equip launchers for rogue tanks and the airfield looked to have been assaulted by a tank group haha