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  1. 8 years ago
    Mon Oct 10 10:17:46 2016
    Kipod started the conversation ORBAT TOOL.

    Having a few issues with the ORBAT TOOL thing.

    a.) I have no problem using it to create a cfg file to post into the init of ALiVE (required)
    b.) When I do I get told there is an error to do with ";" or as near as I can guess.

    Addtionally I cannot find the tool that turns a .cfg file with edited units into a .pbo

    Sorry if I am being a bit dense, (check my avatar) but any help would be great.

  2. Sat Jul 16 11:03:43 2016
    Kipod posted in SUPPLY Crates.

    Thanks. I guess I'll handle it for now! :D

  3. Sat Jul 16 07:59:15 2016
    Kipod posted in SUPPLY Crates.

    Makes no difference and I am using Player Combat Support. This is only happening on Tanoa, but it really annoying.

  4. Fri Jul 15 14:33:32 2016
    Kipod started the conversation SUPPLY Crates.

    Guys, my new mission base in Tanoa is suddenly full of supply crates I don't want. How do I get rid of them?

    Many thanks.

  5. Sun Jun 5 10:15:44 2016
    Kipod posted in How do I "Win".

    Thanks. I understand that, and this is exactly what I am aiming at.

    The point as to direct impact on the number of objectives the AI Comd can hold and whether he has sufficient forces to retake lost objectives though is what I am looking for. EG: I can take occupy and objective, cause a large number of casualties and that will result in greater freedom of action around the AO.

    So where I to kill 20% of the enemy force his ability to hold key locations would be significantly impacted.

  6. Sun Jun 5 07:08:46 2016
    Kipod started the conversation How do I "Win".


    a.) Sorry if this seems dumb. I believe I know the answers but I think there are a lot smart folks here, so I want some other opinions, or advice.

    b.) I have a Scen set to where the enemy force level is 800 and in "occupation." I have a small band of determined men who are players going out and seeking to kill/disrupt/destroy the enemy to best effect. = Open ended sandbox.

    c.) So,
    Do I have to kill 700 enemy and does it matter if I do?
    Does each enemy death have an effect?
    What can I set as a self imposed objective that will actually make the AI enemy suffer?
    Can I capture areas that causes them to react etc, etc?

    Many thanks in advance.

  7. Mon May 23 13:12:48 2016
    Kipod posted in No Toyotas! .

    Reasonable point, but it now appears it may have something to do with the readiness setting in the Placement module. That seems to be fixing it, but fining tuning required.

  8. Mon May 23 10:13:50 2016
    Kipod started the conversation No Toyotas! .

    Gents, (and others)

    Still loving ALiVE but having set up for a mainly "Motorised Force," I'm not seeing much actual armed vehicles shooting at me as I Little Bird around the AO. Lots of CQB types blazing away from the hill sides and streets but no Toyotas!

    EDIT: Should add I am using MASSI's African Insurgents.

    Are there some settings I should be aware of?

    Many thanks in advance.

  9. Sun May 8 06:51:39 2016
    Kipod posted in AA Unit Blacklist.

    .... and we're back! Feeling like a bit of a prat.

    Turns out that I did not know there was a AA soldier in the African Insurgents, as opposed to the African Liberation Army!! - Detail will kill you. also killed all those men coming to save me, when Mirror-Two was shot down over Alikampos last night with all 12 KIA. Sorry lads. I should have blacklisted better!

  10. Sat May 7 16:29:10 2016
    Kipod posted in AA Unit Blacklist.

    Not sure about this.

    a.) Used the Blacklist to get rid of all AA Missile units using Massi's African Conflict (Vehicles).

    b.) Once is a while, it looks as if a Missile is taking down a chopper - the chopper deploys flares, but something hits it.

    c.) Lots of RPGs being fired into the air. OK. No big deal, but if you look in Massi's HiLux's they are packed with Anti-Air missiles (titan).

    d.) ....or also, I had both the Massi's African Conflict (Vehicles) as well as just the one without vehicles loaded.


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