Last active 7 years ago
Will this work with building a mission on Tanao after the apex release?
I always go through this procedure when we are updating our mods, to avoid running into possible issues in the middle of something, as has otherwise been the case in the past.
I still only use the 2D editor, so I would not know about issues that may cause with Eden.
I will try that out, thank you.
I have a separate mission saved with all the modules synced up in a nice formation, so that I can easily copy and paste it when need be. In case of updates I will just recreate said formation of modules next to the the previous ones to compare and make sure I don't miss any modules or vital parameters, and then delete the old ones when I am done. Probably not the most time-effective method though.
Good afternoon.
I am in the process of setting up a Sahrani campaign, with the hopes of using the border-town of Corazol as a focal point in the early stages of the campaign. I presume the best of doing this is setting up a custom objective in the center of the specified town, but I fail to find comparisons or documentation regarding what the numbers that go into the objective size and priority-fields actually leads to. As such, my question is what parameter-numbers would be appropriate in order to practically create a initial choke-point for both sides?
Thank you.
I belive this is what you're looking for:
@SpyderBlack723 Most AI mods will allow active units to call in any existing artillery units in range, vanilla BIS AI typically don't do this themselves.
AI can call in CAS though if they are severely overwhelmed.
Oh, interesting.
When I place zeus units in my Alive-missions, my experience is that they are not under the control of the given AI-commander and they will stay in their place unless you tell them to do stuff.
What I usually do when I want to make sur the enemy to have alot of helicopters, is manually placing a decent amount of helicopters, syncing them to the virtual AI module and then putting them outside the map or somewhere I know we won't go. At least for me it feels like the amount of helicopters we face increases. If you want more helicopters in general that is.
Onto the second post, I believe that the opposite AI-commander won't use CAS/artillery support as such, but if you place down or make sure there is artillery of some sort close to eventual combat-zones, that might work, at least me and my group usually get's annihilated when we unexpectedly run into mortar camps.
Good to see, thanks for the information.