

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 21 23:57:09 2017

    Hey thanks for the try marceldev, I tried switching places between -config and -profiles but the message still appears. I have done some more testing now, and it seems to me that some assymetric installations which are destroyed persists between restarts, but not all. The buildings are back up (probably because of reloading map?), and some have installations inside again which were destroyed before the restart. I toggle OPCOM installations via the ALiVE admin menu. It's the first time I test this througly so it's hard for me to tell if this is a new symptom of the mentioned error in the plugin/mission setup/something,something.

    I also notice when I destroy the building with airstrikes the installation can still persist. Sometimes I go in and set of some more explosives and it may or may not remove the installation (maybe it takes some time?) I feel it's hard to tell without using the toggle installation-function though.

    Annyways, far of topic now.
    Thanks again and have a great night! I will try some more towards the weekend.

  2. Tue Mar 21 20:32:38 2017

    This is a part of my server command line:
    -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -config=server.cfg

    I have neither changed the filename of server.cfg or edited this line though. I have tried to replace the data module also now, to no avail. I've also downloaded a new alive.cfg which is placed in the arma3 root dir as well, but still this message appears.

    I know this may be interpreted as "someone pleace fix", I'm sorry if you do, but I honestly have no idea what to do.

    -Albert :)

  3. Tue Mar 21 18:11:59 2017

    Hey thanks for the response. I'm home now and it seems they have done it. whopwhop :)

    Edit: The reason I needed an update was because it's longe since the last time @AliveServer was updated, and I got this "Unfortunatly we were unable to download your profile etc, etc". Now AliveServer is updated and I still get this message.

    From the alive plugin:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Params:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - [GET]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - [sys_data/dictionary_2NF_USArmy_Insurgency_Takistan_v.0.7.4]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - []
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Return value [['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 96.111ms
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Params:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [info] Config file: C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] Error: Unable to open config file
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] RAW: ServerName
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file']]

    Is there anything you gods can take a look at? Everything works, but not persistency between restarts.

  4. Tue Mar 21 11:00:34 2017
    G gaZthme started the conversation @AliveServer download (stand-alone)for rented server.

    Hello, sorry if covered elsewhere....
    I'm at work now and I wonder the @Aliveserver is included in the download at the alivemod.com/download page. Bechause of restrictions of phones and certain activities on the network here I can't verify it myself.

    The reason I ask is bechause I can't uplad .dll's to my dedicated server (rented, security, blah blah) and they need a place to fetch the addon from, outside of my profile on the war-room. How they installed it in the first place is a mystery for me (and to the guy i'm talking to).

    I have a real old version now and persistency problems and I reeeeally want to get my Arma on tonight.

    Thank you and have a nice day y'all!

  5. Sat Mar 18 07:59:00 2017
    G gaZthme posted in CAS to SW.

    Ah ok, Well done then. I'll check it out. Thanks :D

  6. Fri Mar 17 21:57:58 2017
    G gaZthme started the conversation CAS to SW.

    Hello :)

    I have an AH64 (RHS) on the Takistan map (CUP) which always want to fly to the SW corner of the map when being asked to support anywhere else on the map. The trsp chopper (UH60) do not though. I have deleted and replaced the CS modules and tried the vanilla choppers, but still the CAS chopper goes straight to the SW.

    Any experiences with this?

    This also happened before the 1.68 update and happens both on dedicated and local MP.


  7. Tue Jan 24 22:07:11 2017

    Yes I am all good, thank you. This is great!

  8. Tue Jan 24 20:21:24 2017

    Hello! This looks awesome!

    But I encounter a little problem when launching the mission in MP from the editor. I get error "script unitInits.sqf missing". But I can find something called initUnits.sqf in the root of the mission folder.

    I have not edited anything else than true ->false or vica verca in the setup files, and I have left out the group persist folder (and set the "persist group" to false).

    I took the easy way and tried to rename the unitInits.sqf to initUnits and got the error the other way around when the mission loads "can't find script initUnits.sqf. Any ideas? I have checked and double checked the downloaded file to find the unitInits but can't find it...

    EDIT: In the initUnits.sqf in the .rar folder I downloaded it says that

    "...Must be defined in description.ext with

    //----------------------INIT EVENTHANDLERS--------------------------
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
    class CAManBase {
    init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'unitInits.sqf')";" Just changed to initUnits and renamed the above mentioned to the same and it works fine now.


  9. Tue Jan 3 20:06:48 2017
    G gaZthme posted in A few persistence questions.

    Bhaha, you and me both then :) I just rent a server because my Internet sucks (just in case if anybody want to ArmA) and better performance when playing.

    It worked when eliminating everyone without saving/restarting server though. Good to know. And when using the "player exit" and jumping back in the officers are still gone and the triggers worked. The backside of this though is that the server keeps running, but with autopause on the server live it's own life 'til I get back I hope. :) Thanks

    Edit: Seems you just posted while I was typing Tupolov. I need to get a grasp on what this means though... Thanks!

  10. Tue Jan 3 19:01:09 2017
    G gaZthme posted in A few persistence questions.

    Ok, each commander has a name: target1, target2 up to target 8. They each have a trigger with the condition "!alive targetx" On activation: hint "Target X eliminated"

    In addition to those triggers there's a trigger with this condition: !(alive target1) && !(alive target2) && !(alive target3) and so on. This will trigger the end mission/mission complete screen.

    They work great when hosting on my own computer through the editor, but on the dedi it does not work. Actually, I did just get the feeling of this being related to reappearing targets after server save and exit -->restart. The hints trigger when I take out the officers after restart, but maybe something strange happens to the ending trigger which relyes on every target's trigger.. Dunno, I think I must try to eliminate everyone quickly in one sitting using Zeus or something, maybe that's what's causing this issue. I'm a novice at this but learning gradually.

    Vaguely explained but hopefully descriptive enough. I can post the mission if you want to take a look.

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