

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Tue Sep 19 18:44:59 2017
    Whigital posted in Loop error after last update.

    Grab it here https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/releases/tag/v1.4.0.1709191 or wait until its pushed to the Workshop ....

  2. Tue Sep 19 05:54:18 2017
    Whigital posted in staticData.

    Also, it would probably be best to do a check before calling ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate to not overwrite any static data set by ALiVE:

    if (isNil "ALIVE_factionDefault<ssss>") then {
        ALIVE_factionDefault<ssss> = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
  3. Tue Sep 19 05:42:24 2017
    Whigital posted in staticData.

    Maybe do a ALIVE_fnc_inspectHash on a few of the ALIVE_factionDefault<ssss> hashes after startup to see whats actually in there. Might give a hint to if or where it might get overwritten with new data.

  4. Thu Jun 29 12:57:48 2017
    Whigital posted in ORBAT + Description.ext.

    Make your own, additional groups as @marceldev89 suggested, and then blacklist the original groups from being placed. We've done exactly this, I'll post our configs when I'm home from work.

    Edit: Just remembered that our older missions has the same setup, just not with LOP_ISTS_OPF:



    ALiVE Blacklist


  5. 8 years ago
    Tue Jan 10 06:10:53 2017

    Really nice, wish i was be able to contribute more to the awsome work you guys do.

  6. Fri Nov 25 13:20:37 2016
    Whigital posted in ALiVE 1.2.2 released.

    Is it just me or are the pbo's in the 161124 release dated the same as in the 161114 release ?

  7. Sun Oct 23 03:37:42 2016

    If its anything like transport support, save the code below as a script and call it in the "Code" section on the module. That should disable VCOM from running any script/fsm on the units, in theory .....

    params ["_vehicle"];
    waitUntil {driver _vehicle != objNull};
    sleep 1;
    	_x setVariable ["NOAI", 1, false];
    } forEach (crew _vehicle);
  8. Sun Oct 23 02:55:14 2016
    Whigital posted in How To Setup a Headless Client.

    My bad, made some last minute changes and didnt try it.

    Change line 32 params ["_interval", 30]; to params [["_interval", 30]]; and it should be fine.

  9. Sat Oct 22 19:25:42 2016
    Whigital posted in How To Setup a Headless Client.

    Hmm, are are starting it in initServer.sqf with execVM or spawn ?

    We haven't seen anything like this in the server rpt/log. Complete line we use in initServer.sqf:

    _null = [] spawn (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "func\ff7_aiDistributor.sqf"));
  10. Sat Oct 22 14:21:58 2016
    Whigital posted in How To Setup a Headless Client.

    Don't think that is coming from the script. The first line looks like something from ALiVE_Sys_Stats module, and the second one from Arma itself.

    If you start the mission without running the script, do these two dissapear from the logs ?

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