Last active 7 years ago
Hi again,
We had a server freeze last night.... I saw that it happened in the past with other version. We were not able to use the inventory or anything. Combat Logistics were not accessible also. Maybe of of the Alive boys can look at this RPT around 22:12:15 and let me know if its ALive related? At that time we noticed and confirmed that everything was frozen in game so we decided to reload the mission.
We are generating task from the TASK MODULE.... But the task arent completing themselfs even if the objective is complete. Any hint?
HC & dedi box.
Hey guys,
I have a Dedi with 3HC client. In my support module I have 2CAS & 2Transport
We are also using vcom ai. For each of the support provider, I pasted the vcom exclusion code so the support unit aren't managed by vcom.
My issue is the following. At some point the choppers don't follow orders and go loiter/land at the bottom left edge of the map. Once in this state they don't respond to any command.
The map is kunduz. Any hint?
Ok. So I can remove ACEX.
Will this fix the "land" bug from the helicopter? When I ask an helo to land or rtb the unit do a touch & go.
So... you are telling me that ALIVE can handle all the units on the maps? not just the CQB module ones?
I ran in a issue on kunduz also. Since Alive Headless client distribution is only for CQB unit... we use ACEX. we are also using ACE. I noticed an issue with the commander support module. It seems that the coordinate system is wrong on the map. When i request an CAS run or Helo pick up... It seems like they are always 200meters off target.
When i create generated task with the task module.... it creates the mission at coordinate 0.0 out of the map.