

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Dec 8 09:00:58 2016

    I second that but I had to deactivate roadblocks for now anyway because of the persistence bug. But my map is so complicated that it's a bad example for reproduczion of bugs.

  2. Mon Dec 5 21:13:30 2016
    M matze posted in 1.2.3 Released.

    Thx a lot guys!

  3. Sat Nov 26 21:51:32 2016
    M matze posted in Multiple Asymmetric Opcoms.

    Same problem here. I want the bluefor to find a fully mined area after mission start but Opfor should place more of Bluefor don't protect areas.

    You ca use the BIS mine moduls but that would make a server restart impossible because it instantly replaces all removed mines.

    In my project I plan to place the inktial minefields with Zeus.

  4. Sat Nov 26 10:24:00 2016
    M matze started the conversation Iventories of virtualised cars.

    Hey guys,

    is it intended that virtualized cars don't have their eden placed inventory but the vanilla inventory?

    If so, how can I add a script that saves the inventory at virtualization and reloads it at spawn?

  5. Sat Nov 19 19:47:51 2016
    M matze posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    Did you use it on a Dedi?

  6. Sat Nov 19 18:06:54 2016
    M matze posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.

    We created a faction based on CSAT unit, then we use RHS weapons and a few more addons in the units. They spawn completely with weapons through ALiVE or ZEUS and in both cases they suddenly with first animation they loose their guns... their are deleted. Help!
    Call me dump.. started all HCs without the new mod...
    Edit: Error still persists after fixing my "small mistake".
    I get a lot

    2016/11/19, 19:29:05 Trying to add inventory item with empty name to object [MG Talib 4]
    2016/11/19, 19:29:05 Trying to add inventory item with empty name to object [MG Talib 4]

    Edit2: Only on Dedi. Works fine in Editor.

  7. Sat Nov 19 15:45:23 2016

    when clicking that link, be careful. I once received a virus because there where additional download buttons, spreading virus.

  8. Wed Nov 16 14:52:55 2016

    Hey guys,

    2 things I'm working on atm:
    1. Some civilians get stuck in a "speaking" animation with waving arms and stuff after a few hours. Any ideas? Solution is to handcuff and release them, after release they do the release animation which stops the other animation. A script snippet to run every x hours would be fine too.

    2. Suiciders don't suicide. Sometimes I even handcuff someone, search them and find them full of suicide equipment, they never use.

    Scenario: Bluefor (RHS) against Insurgents (LOP_AM). The civilians are the Takistani civilians from Project Opfor.


  9. Tue Nov 15 11:02:58 2016
    M matze posted in ALiVE 1.2.2 released.

    Big thank you from us too! It's a great thing how much effort you put into the system!

  10. Tue Nov 15 10:58:01 2016
    M matze posted in IPs of War Room servers.

    Update done and checked the routing. Seems I made a mistake with the route and that's really the IP now. My mistake.

    Thx for your help again!

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