Churlish Church


Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon Oct 8 01:24:09 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Alive Time Progession.

    Is there time progression in Alive or would I need to add a mod for it? Like does the clock go on like in real life or is there something in arma for it?

  2. Sat Oct 6 23:22:29 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation RHS Logistics Air Drop.

    So I'm wondering if you can airsdrop Armour from RHS or did I mislabel something so its not in the list

  3. Sat Oct 6 14:20:32 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Headless ai integration .

    I might be dumb but I couldn't find the answer. Does alive natively process ai and put them on headless clients or do I need an outside mod? I know the last time I used the mod I had to use wertless headless ai.

  4. Thu Oct 4 22:37:04 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Friendly garrisons.

    Is there a way to make the friendly commander only garrison locations after you take it? Ie my real forces can't fight to take it then the ai garrison so it's not taken back

  5. Thu Oct 4 19:41:48 2018
    Churlish Church posted in Headless ai needed?.

    It does thank you

  6. Thu Oct 4 17:48:35 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Headless ai needed?.

    So I'm starting a full mission in sahrani to t retake the island. The spawn limit is default at 114 or something. Is a headless ai needed or suggested? Or not needed?

  7. 7 years ago
    Thu Jun 22 03:09:28 2017
    Churlish Church posted in WW2 Afircan Korp.

    Thank you

  8. Thu Jun 22 01:32:31 2017
    Churlish Church started the conversation WW2 Afircan Korp.

    Is there a way to make only German African Corp units from the IFA mod spawn?

  9. Thu Jun 22 00:53:48 2017
    Churlish Church posted in Vcom and yoj.

    Im not using choppers so its all good

  10. Tue Jun 20 15:55:59 2017
    Churlish Church started the conversation Vcom and yoj.

    I'm looking to add ai mod to my alive missions.
    Is vcom the way to go? Does it have any conflicts with alive?

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