

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon May 21 06:37:41 2018
    S Seagull posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    @JD_Wang No I'm using the updated Steam version. Ill try the fourms version though.

  2. Sun May 20 22:48:59 2018
    S Seagull posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    It seems that combat support is still being used by vcom. Had mine take off mid mission to go loiter over an area.

  3. Fri May 18 00:39:22 2018
    S Seagull posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    Did 3.0 fix taking over combat support?

  4. Wed May 9 06:07:50 2018
    S Seagull posted in How do you guys set up your AOs?.

    Depends on what you are trying to do, but I usually just have insurgents without a taor, and I blacklist all the spots I don't want them to be such as bases and airports. I don't see the point in a bunch of small taors unless you are trying to do something specific. The commander will pick up the objectives just as fine if you set it to the complete map instead of small taors.

  5. Mon May 7 03:43:30 2018
    S Seagull posted in Can't save in sp sessions.

    Hey I'm having trouble with this as well. Before the recent update I could do the locally hosted server thing and save the game, but now whenever I press the admin save and exit thing nothing happens. I have my mission set to save local as well.

  6. Wed Apr 25 05:26:16 2018
    S Seagull posted in Only one AI Commander?.

    So what you could do is have OPFOR Commander have 2 civ objectives and 2 mil objectives synced. The first set of objectives is set to the TAOR that you want the enemy units to spawn in. Then for the second set, you can make it objectives only and set it to the TAOR that you want the OPFOR to attack.

  7. Tue Apr 17 21:11:31 2018

    I'm going to throw something else out there, if you're looking for large scale, dynamic air campaigns, you should check out Falcon BMS. You fly in a complex F16 and everything is persistent like an Alive campaign. Its free too.

  8. 7 years ago
    Tue Mar 27 02:14:54 2018
    S Seagull posted in IEDs disappearing.

    Also one more thing, I've been looking at the RPT, and I keep seeing a reoccurring "count IED location: 0" What does that mean? When I tried to reproduce the problem, I kept running into issues where no IEDs where spawning in and I just restarted the mission.

  9. Tue Mar 27 02:08:49 2018
    S Seagull posted in IEDs disappearing.

    Ok I submitted a ticket

  10. Tue Mar 27 01:27:44 2018
    S Seagull posted in IEDs disappearing.

    Okay I did some testing. It appears that the problem is with the debug, but then theres more to that. So I made the mission with just Alive, CBA, and cup maps. The same issue happened with the debug going away, however, the IEDs are still in the game world. I went back to check it on the main mission, and I got the same result. So its just the debug not working. However, I encountered a 2nd problem. After the first IED goes off, the next IEDs that are still spawned in don't function right. I rolled over a dug in one, and ~10 seconds after I made contact, it went off. Same happened for the VBIED after setting off the first IED: the car de-spawned with white smoke, and left a clay charge on the ground, which took a while for it to go off.

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