Last active 8 years ago
I've done that and got it working. I was actually refering to be able to remove units which are spawned by Alive. They show up and are editable by that zeus. Which i don't want of course.
I noticed that even when running the profiler on profile only synced units it still profiles units spawned with the civ and mil placement modules. Definitely some weird things going on there. currently is running an MSO using Alive. Alive devteam has been Active from what i can see on their youtube and by their updates to the mod . Not as fast as a payed-for addon obviously. They are of course volunteers.
I'm using Zeus to build bases in an MSO type mission. The Zeus is on the players side. I'd like to remove all Opfor from Zeus. Is there a way to suppress Alive from adding Opfor AI to Zeus? So my Zeus commanders don't need to restrain themselves ;)
The modlist is in the top of the rpt file. But mainly we are using agm usmc and SAA. Playerpersistency is currently not really needed. I was more referring to the item like crates and stuff.
Logs and pbo are in there.
I made a basic mission with alive. I enabled persistency. I started it up the first time and it connected directly to the database. As far as I know. The second time I started it I had lost the player logistics menu. Also the crates that I moved in the first run of the mission were back at their original position. PBO file and both rtp files are available.
Ok respawn=base doesn't hinder it. It was the possibility to Select your Respawn point. That variable and function was interfering with the loading of player persistence data. Problem solved.
During the development of my mso i noticed that using the respawn system respawn=base in description.ext, hinders player persistence. What is the correct and usual setup to have player persistence working properly?
Well I'm working on an MSO type mission and testing it with our guys, they really love it. I'll try to get some structured info your way.