

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Sun Apr 29 21:12:32 2018
    D Damsous posted in Mission not saving.

    Got the same problem with the last Alive Update, local save not work.
    When i do server save and exit i got the UI with the saved stuff, but nothing is writing like profile, opcom.... when it was working the save taked 5 min, now its done in few second, mission restart but nothing is saved.

    I just use the Group Link (script version) for the IA and it was working fine.
    Maybe its a stupid question but i never used @aliveserver for Local save maybe its required for local save now ? i will try

  2. 7 years ago
    Mon Jan 22 03:02:59 2018
    D Damsous started the conversation Use force pool with a vehicle spawner script.

    I editing a mission on Altis with 2 custom Faction, i would like to know if its possible to buy the vehicle with that force pool.

    For exemple i use VVS (Virtual Vehicle Spawner), i want set a price for each vehicle spawned by this script.
    Its because i my mission the player is an insurgent (asymetric) and he must complete task for being able to buy vehicle.

    I try to set up a white list with the logistic module with the RDS tank mods, but the vehicle are not showing in the list if its Faction only.
    If its side the whitelist work but the player can call AAF reinforcement and i don't want that.

    Sorry for my bad english

  3. Mon Jan 22 02:48:57 2018
    D Damsous joined the forum.