psianh auvyander


Last active 8 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Fri May 1 00:20:52 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation Assymetrical Video.

    Has anyone found or made any gameplay footage of their Assymetrical missions? I'd love to watch how other people are using the mission.

  2. Mon Apr 20 20:02:34 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation ALiVE Assymetrical Help.

    I'm having trouble creating a good Assymetrical mission. Whenever I spawn in, there are massive amounts of enemy forces on top of my position. I've checked and rechecked each module and, as far as I can tell, it shouldn't be happening.

    I'd love to see someone else's Assymetrical mission so I can reverse engineer it, see what I'm doing wrong, and try to improve my own missions..

    I'd also love for anyone who is willing to take a look at my mission and see if they can spot any errors. I'm using the following mods: A3MP, ACE, TFAR, ALiVE, CBA_A3, babe_midtex, Blastocre-A3-Phoenix, CAF_AG1.5, RHSAFRF, RHSUSAF.

    The file can be downloaded here for Takistan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzSkbFOmWzI6VFdDMmxaZE5SMms/view?usp=sharing

  3. 10 years ago
    Fri Jan 9 20:22:03 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation Claiming Objectives (SOLVED).

    So, I've set up a fairly simple mission with two opposing factions. I have one faction spawn in a marker which is set on top of an airfield (faction A) and the other spawns across the map in civilian objectives (faction B).

    The faction controlling civilian objectives is set to occupation and the faction on the airfield is set to invasion. Now, the units seem to move correctly, attacking objectives, etc., but I'm curious if I understand the way these factions treat objectives is correct. If faction A kills all of faction B's units in a civilian objective marker, will faction A take control of it, thereby moving the battle lines?

    Or am I misunderstanding, and the objectives that one side controls at the beginning is all they can ever actually control?

  4. Fri Jan 9 07:39:37 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation WarRoom Medics.

    Everything works great except for the Medics section of data collection. Is there something specific I may have forgotten to do to activate this section? I use AGM for my medical services; is it compatible?

  5. Fri Jan 9 06:25:10 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in 500 server error when clicking profile.

    I was having a similar issue earlier because I was using a map that wasn't supported by ALiVE. Perhaps it could be something to do with that?

  6. Fri Jan 9 06:22:32 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in MultiSpawn MHQ question.

    I'm having a similar issue. Just yesterday my multispawn in building was working fine, but now it spawns the players where the module is instead.

  7. Thu Jan 8 02:29:38 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in Hold the Objective Bug?.

    It seems like messing around with any objective units in Zeus, such as moving units, may cause abnormal effects.

  8. Thu Jan 8 02:28:49 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in WarRoom Operation Server Error.

    Ah, that must be it then, as I noticed that it worked with Takistan. I was trying to use it on Panthera originally.

    I know I've seen a page with the supported maps somewhere - can you point me in its direction again?

    Thanks for the help!

  9. Wed Jan 7 02:33:46 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation Hold the Objective Bug?.

    Whenever I receive a Hold the Objective task from the auto generated task tool it never seems to reach a conclusion. I've had a few enemies thrown at me, but after neutralizing them, it reaches a point where nothing seems to progress.

    Has anyone else experienced something like this?

  10. Tue Jan 6 20:34:31 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation WarRoom Operation Server Error.

    I've managed to set up the ALiVE War Room integration successfully, to a point. When I connect to my server I see a new operation listed in the main War Room page, my group and individual members have updating stats, but when I try to click on the name of the operation I receive the following error:


    Server Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)

    What does this mean?

    Something went wrong on our servers while we were processing your request. We're really sorry about this, and will work hard to get this resolved as soon as possible.

    Perhaps you would like to go to our home page?

    I can view other operations, so long as they're not my own. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

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