
Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Sun Oct 7 05:48:05 2018

    @YonV Can you do an nslookup from your server to and post the results?


    Non-authoritative answer:

  2. Sat Oct 6 20:09:23 2018

    So has anyone used some type of dns or redirect to reach the url? If so, could you please share your knowledge.

    I so want to get this connection up and running, got some big plans for my gaming community.

  3. Sat Oct 6 20:05:30 2018

    @BvB The reason why you don't need quotes is because you don't have spaces in your mod name path, he does.

    A computer sees a space as %20 or something like that.

  4. Sat Oct 6 06:38:53 2018

    I don't think it is loading the mods because of the spaces. I think you need to have "-mod=

    You need the " at the start and end, along with removing the ; after the @alive

  5. Sat Oct 6 03:45:21 2018

    I don't seem to be having much luck with my dedicated box provider, in saying that I think it is a routing issue as I can not ping the IP and trace route doesn't make it to the box.

    So I am looking at others ideas, one of which is to use a dynamic dns to redirect to to the correct address.

    This is what I get when I add our dyndns to the alive.cfg

    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Params:
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] - [true]
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\ThePathMaker\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Alive Config:
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Type: JSON
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] User: <removed>
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] Group: SORD
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [debug] URL: http://<removed>
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
    [2018-10-06 13:58:44] [info] URL: --------------------<Unsure why this now says true>-------------------
    [2018-10-06 13:58:45] [info] WarRoom access granted.
    [2018-10-06 13:58:45] [info] Checking DB access...
    [2018-10-06 13:58:46] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2018-10-06 13:58:46] [error] Error: JSON not a valid object
    [2018-10-06 13:58:46] [error] RAW:

    When this happens, the server crashes. When I place http://<removed> into a web browser, it redirects correctly to the database. But it doesn't work from the alive.cfg file.

    Anyone got any ideas why this is happening?

  6. Wed Oct 3 01:25:42 2018

    @YonV Do you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 installed on the server?

    Yes, the same versions I am running on my home PC which also has Arma server installed and connected to the alive war room.

    I think the problem is that I am not able to hit as check via pasting this URL into a web browser. The only thing I can think of atm, is something on the providers ends. Like an Access Control List of something like that on the switch.

  7. Tue Oct 2 07:04:06 2018
    TPM started the conversation [Solved] Dedicated Server not connecting.

    Hey all,

    I am having an issue with connecting to the war room with one of my dedicated servers. It comes up with the cutlGet issue when trying to connect to the DB as seen below:

    [2018-10-01 20:02:53] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
    [2018-10-01 20:02:53] [info] URL:
    [2018-10-01 20:02:53] [info] WarRoom access granted.
    [2018-10-01 20:02:53] [info] Checking DB access...
    [2018-10-01 20:03:15] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2018-10-01 20:03:15] [error] Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2018-10-01 20:03:15] [error] RAW: Couldn't connect to server

    I firstly built an Arma 3 server on my home PC and then connected to the war room following the instructions in the add a server section under group profile on the alive website. I created a simple mission and everything worked. The info appears in the war room and my stats updated.

    I then repeated the process on a dedicated server running Windows Server 2016 Standard. I used the same build process, creating a new server in the war room and used the same mission which I tested on my PC server earlier. No joy.

    I tried to connect to the database ( using firefox from my PC and everything looks normal. Comes up with the below:

    couchdb: "Welcome"
    version: "2.1.1"
    0: "scheduler"
    name: "The Apache Software Foundation"

    However, when I try the same process using both IE and Chrome on my dedicated server, it says "This site can't be reached.....".

    The dedicated servers firewall is turned off for testing, I have also added exceptions to Windows Defender for both the Arma server folder and the ALiVE folder in my appdata/local..... folder location.

    Does anyone have any ideas what is stopping the connection?

    aliveplugin text file >>>
    Server RPT File >>>



  8. Mon Oct 1 20:55:43 2018
    TPM joined the forum.