ALiVE Systems
From ALiVE Wiki
Note: Several modules have been consolidated into Player Options for 0.9 release. See ALiVE Player for further info.
Core Modules
These modules are required for an ALiVE mission.
- ALIVE (Required) This module must be placed in the mission editor to ensure ALiVE initialises properly. Also includes the Map Marker system, Garbage Collector and Single Player Save options.
- Virtual AI System One of the most important modules in ALiVE. Click the link for further info.
Optional Modules
These modules can be used at the mission editor's discretion
- ALIVE Player Options Allows you to configure player persistence on reconnect or restart, view distance settings, player tags, crew info indicator and more
- ALiVE Database Provides persistence for MP games running on a dedicated server.
- ALiVE Tour Place this module and the tour system will explain and show you the ALiVE modules and technology in action!
- Ambient Dynamic Weather Provides dynamic and synchronised weather for multiplayer games.