Entering in multiple factions - you'd think it'd be easy, right?

  1. 9 years ago

    So on the AI Commander module it asks for this entry:
    So in my great wisdom I put:

    To spawn insurgents and some isis dudes with isis vehicles and tanks. (They have a lot of different kinds of technicals in that pack).
    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28406 <- here is the page to confirm the faction.

    Pretty sure this part is ok, because if I just use caf_ag_me_t in the civilian and military placement modules (below), caf_ag_me_t will still spawn correctly - however, of course no isis units - which sucks right?

    So... The military and civilian placement modules ask for this:
    [BLU_F, OPF_F, IND_F, BLU_G_F]
    Now I have no idea why it's using a completely different delimeter, however, in my field I put:
    [caf_ag_me_t, ISC_IS_O]

    And get CSAT units...

    Please help with this asshattery !

  2. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    simply enter in AI Commander this:


    You need different military and civilian placement for each faction.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    So the popup is wrong ?

    Would be cool if they were all just uniform entries.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    No that gives CSAT again.

    Should the entry for the AI Commander be changed ?

  5. Friznit

    3 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Add an additional Placement module with the other faction and sync it up to the same AI Commander. The placement modules are not really designed to support multiple factions, hence no array is given in the hint text - the faction names in (brackets) are just example classnames, not ["arrays"].

  6. Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    ahhhh this makes more sense.

    Will do, in fact I was close to the same conclusion as I'd just tried a civ placement of CAF, and a mil placement of ISIS... ;)

    thanks for the help.


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