Problem IED / Suiciders

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  2. 9 years ago

    I get IEDs but never once have I seen a suicide bomber. So I as well would be interested in some light being shed on this topic.

    It may be worth noting that I also have issues with roadblocks poping up. I get zero and have tried the roadblock option in the Military Placement CO module and have not seen a single roadblock. Is it a problem with maps other than the default arma maps?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    (Roadblocks) should work on any map/city as long as their are roads nearby and those roads do not have dead-ends. Enable the option in the civilian placement module, turn on debug and then teleport around and see if any "Roadblock" markers pop up.

    As for suiciders, same method really, enable debug on the asymmetric commander and then wait to see if one pops up (can take awhile). If there are none that pop up, you can turn civilian hostility towards blufor to Extreme in the civilian population module and there should be a higher chance for suicide bombers at an objective.

  4. I think my problem was that I am not using an asymmetric commander at the time. I only wanted an Occupying force.

    I added an Asymmetric commander and set him up with a few placement modules and tested that. Just to be clear I have been using the debug option and going around the map checking different areas

    I have come to find the following:
    IED Module - if linked to Occupying force it dose not place IEDs other than a rare occurrence

    • if linked to Asymmetric force I have not seen it place yet but I have not tested it extensively
    • if unlinked it places IEDs fine other than some wacky locations, car bombs place, no suicide bombers

    Roadblocks - Occupying force, does not place them. It should but it does not.
    - Asymmetric force, does place them in the small areas they occupy.

  5. Friznit

    11 Aug 2015 Administrator

    Most of that sounds like it's working as intended. Asymmetric (currently) takes a while to get going so you may not see the extreme stuff like suicide bombers until you've played for a while. Roadblocks work fine with regular Occupation settings in all the tests and play throughs (with mods) that I've done. Could be a map issue? Which one are you using?

  6. IED module should only be linked to a Military AI Commander if it is set to Asymmetric, otherwise, it should be left un-linked.

  7. So if I understand correctly then with the IED module the intended function is to either be unlinked or linked to a Asymmetric force, and if unlinked it only places IEDs not suicide bombers or VIEDs?

    With the roadblocks I only see them from the asymmetric force, the occupying force is not placing them. The map used is Takistan.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Suicide bombers and IED's work fine when used with an occupying force if you have them enabled. If you have debug on, they should have markers created over them when you activate a zone.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    With IED THREAT synchronized to the asymmetrical opcom i have saw no IED at all. Suicide bombers are here but they do not attack blufor just come near and stay steady. If you check they equipment there are suicide vests.
    Mostly all of us using ACE3, RHS, Leights Opfor, CAF and other mods. I think those other code may interfere with ALiVE code causing problems.

  10. In all these things I have tried with debug on. I promise that I did not just walk out of my FOB and go oh no there are none of what I am looking for so it must be broke. With that aside.

    I get no roadblocks unless there is an Asymmetric force. The Asymmetric force will build roadblocks just fine. Occupying force will not build roadblocks.

    IEDS place if I leave it either unsynced or synced to Asymmetric force. If its on the Occupying force then they generally do not show up.

    As I stated before I have tested each of these scenarios with all of the appropriate debug on. Checked multiple times I did not miss a setting and so on. Either it is bugged or I am missing a feature or intended function. Possibly over looking something I was unaware of.

  11. In our own tests we usually use vanilla factions (NATO, CSAT) as in the past there have been issues with RHS, LOP units, CAF Aggressors, etc. I have personally been blown up by IEDs and suicide bombers, so I know it does work.

    My suggestion for testing would be to try vanilla first then move on to custom units, etc. Same goes for roadblocks test on Altis or Stratis, then move to a custom map. Also make sure you are running the latest version of CBA as that has been an issue in the past.

    If you still don't get roadblocks, IEDs etc then link us a copy of your mission .pbo file and your RPT file if possible.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Ok. Here is my mission.
    There are no IEDs and suicide bombers will not attack blufor units.
    Please check it out why.
    MODS: @CBA_A3 @ASDG_JR @ALiVE @rhs_afrf3 @rhs_usf3 @AllInArmaTerrainPack @ascz_a2_map_fixes @ace3 @leights_opfor

    Insurgency Takistan 2

  13. Either it is bugged or I am missing a feature or intended function. Possibly over looking something I was unaware of.

    Here is a test mission I just made. Check it out and see if you can get roadblocks spawning when tp'ing around. If so maybe you can work out any errors in your missions or decide it's bugged for some reason if it's setup the same way with no results.

  14. Thanks Spyder! Is it using the same unit packs or vanilla? (can't check ATM still at work)

  15. It is vanilla using BLU_F

  16. i think its a leights issue. my mission does the same thing, suiciders spawn but dont attack, and ieds never place. road blocks work and so does everything else

  17. Yep.. this is why we ask people to test using just alive and cba as there are so many unknowns when it comes to other addons.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Understand. But how can you imagine default arma 3 civilians/guerrilla running around the Afghanistan scenario. ? I hard believe that the ALiVE stuff is working great, but this give us nothing because in this way we cant create realistic game play scenario. We need to use custom mods to achieve this. Other ways we are fighting in some futuristic shit.

  19. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    He means, replace all of the mod factions and test it to make sure it works 100% perfectly with vanilla. If it does, you can rule out any ALiVE-related issues and attribute it to the mod-specific units. The ALiVE team can't spend too much time chasing bugs that may not even be a result of their own product.

  20. Yeah sorry DavidoSS.. I meant for testing purposes it's insane to support all the addons that are available - if we test with just CBA and ALiVE it eliminates any possibility of a 3rd party addon conflict... which BTW is the source of > 50% of the issues we deal with.

  21. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    True. You guys cant handle with other mods. But if i create the code then i knew how it works and what is needed for the code to run correctly. If so you can give us a clue what precisely can causing the problems. You guys give us "the others mod causing problems." Ok i understand and confirm that because i have tested that with Vanilia Arma3 and its works perfect.

    The minor problem is that if there is any incompatibilities i cant track them out because there are no RPT errors which could give me a hand.

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