yes i will create a r3flog template for you and post somewhere you can look how it is configured wait a minute
yes i will create a r3flog template for you and post somewhere you can look how it is configured wait a minute
ok cheers
Ok its ready come on and have look
turn on ACE 3
Not sure if you have all the mods downloaded? If to much to get don't worry I understand.
i have all available mods :-)
ok cool
For me CAF causes units to loose helmets and vests etc.
Do you know what I am a bit of a plank. Just downloaded normal one. Forgot about dedi link.
Have you put the alive.cfg file in ALiVE folder so c:\users\yourusername\AppData\Local\ALiVE?
It is hidden by default, you have to show hidden files
I have setup that long time ago i dont remember really
Try this one maybe it will work for you.
orginal mission + r3flog added
sorry was posting in wrong section. Was helping someone else
ok gonner try now
getting a cfg.kunduz error
I am using allinarmaterrainpack ( Full ) and Kunduz Afghanistan map.
you don't use..... #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h" in description.ext
also.... execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; in init.sqf
What mods did you run while editing the mission?
@flopchop you don't use..... #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h" in description.ext
also.... execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; in init.sqf
Check your eyes.
respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = 10; author = "AuburnAlumni"; OnLoadName = "Royal Marines Kunduz"; OnLoadMission = "An ALiVE Insurgency Campaign" #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h" class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {prayer}; class prayer { name = "prayer"; sound[] = {"CalltoPrayer\sounds\prayer.ogg", db+1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; #include "SpyderCivInteraction\civilianInteraction.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "SpyderCivInteraction\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; //-- Man EventHandlers class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { init = "_this execVM 'ehMan.sqf'"; }; };
//-- Initialize Spyder Ambiance enableSaving [false, false]; [] execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; [true, true, 30, ["Blacklist1"]] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; /* --------------------------- SpyderAmbiance Script Parameters: BOOL - Enable Animal Herds - Default: True BOOL - Enable Vehicles - Default: True SCALAR - Delay between checking to see if a zone should be activated/deactivated - Default: 20 ARRAY - Blacklists of (rectangle or ellipse) markers that animal herds and vehicles shouldn't spawn in - Default: [] BOOL - Enable Debug - Default: False Example init.sqf lines [] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; [true, true, 30, []] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; [true, false, 10, []] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; [true, true, 15, ["BlacklistMarkerName"]] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; [true, true, 25, [], true] execVM "SpyderAmbiance\init.sqf"; --------------------------- */ //-- Initialize Spyder civilian interraction ["init",["WEST","LOP_AM"]] call SCI_fnc_civilianInteraction; execVM "staticData.sqf" call compile preprocessFile "CallToPrayer\init.sqf"; if (!hasInterface && !isDedicated) then { headlessClients = []; headlessClients pushBack player; publicVariable "headlessClients"; isHC = true; };
Mods are default mission mods
I do.. to get the creation factory working.
Also I use same default mods.
When I loaded your mission it gives me bin/cfg.kunduz error. Console freaks out reading from bank and mission loads right to end a goes back to lobby.
From Armaholic R3FLOG
Add this line in your "init.sqf" :
execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf";
The line must NOT be copied in a conditional block, like "if (isServer)". It must be placed outside of all sub-sections of code or condition.
Add this line in your "description.ext", outside of all braces block "{ ... }" :
#include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h"
You can check the Full documentation pdf for more info about installation and usage of this script.
Anyway I got it working.
Just wanted to thank you for all your help :)
Ok I see them!!!!