Intel on dead bodies or in buildings

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    Yeah any suspension type commands like sleep,uisleep,wait until need to have the file or function they are in executed with spawn or execVM. Spawn for functions and execVM for files.

  3. Cheers both, I've updated the link with a version with no sleep commands. The mark units function has a waituntil command but that is called within the script using spawn, so I'm guessing that's alright?

  4. Can't check it atm but yes, that sounds fine.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Awesome. I'll give it a spin later. Thanks for the quick update!

  6. 8 years ago

    @SpyderBlack723, I'm just doing a rehash of this now that I know a tiny little bit more about scripting and was wondering if you still had that function to find the nearest 3 asym OPCOM installations kicking around? No worries if not!

  7. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You poked me at the wrong time! Going back to the land of no internet for a few days, but when I get back I'll see what I can whip up.

    Prereq. Details

    Do you want ANY 3 asymm installations or 3 belonging to a specific faction?

  8. Haha sorry about that. 3 of any asym installations, although of a specific faction would be cool but only if you have it kicking about. And absolutely no rush!

    I hit a block while digging through ALIVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations or whatever it's called and can't work out why it's showing ALL objectives and not just installations like it did a couple of versions back. Think I need to learn a bit more...

  9. I can get you a code that you can place in an object init to reveal Intel if you want but it won't be until much later. Not sure if that will contain the code you need for whatever you're working on but if you want it, I can get it to you.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Yeah that sounds great if you could? Thanks @HeroesandvillainsOS!

    Edit: Do you mean all intel within a certain radius or just specific asym installations?

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I actually just found the thread the code is posted in. Be sure to read to the bottom because Spyder clarified a few things for me to get it to work the way I wanted.

    It basically reveals the same Intel you'd get from a CIV or an intel object near a dead body, but you can add the code to a specific object or unit. I use it to spice my missions up with custom compounds and to encourage exploring. The radius does seem relatively small in comparison to ALiVE's integrated intel system though.

    Not sure if this can get you started or not but figured I'd help out just incase. I'm still looking forward to your mission! :)

  12. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Thanks buddy. This this is what I'm already working with I think. It reveals all OPCOM objectives in the given radius right?

    I'm hoping to only reveal 1 or 2 at a time without showing civ and military objectives. I'll work it out sooner or later I'm sure! Just remembered Spyder posting something that did just that a while ago.

  13. Yeah that's exactly what it does and as you suspected, it also reveals the mil/civ obj's too. That's a neat idea just limiting it to installations.

  14. Try this.


  15. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Thank you Spyder! I'll give it a shot.

    Edit: It works! (With one tweak I think, on line 49:

    if ((count _installations < _maxInstallations) && {!(_x isEqualTo [])}) then {

    - was missing "then").

    Thanks again Spyder! I'll get this set up with some markers and share it with the full intel package if that's okay (with credit of course!)?

  16. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Too much C++ :/

    Glad it works

    (And if you haven't noticed yet it returns the actual installation objects, so use getPos on the returned array entries to get their position)

  17. Thanks buddy. Yup, took me a minute or two to figure that out but just putting the final touches on it now and the markers are working fine too. Cheers for all your help!

  18. 7 years ago

    Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I've been thinking about adding this into my new mission just to add a little more variety to intel gathering (so it's not just to standard folder of documents on the ground)

    Is there any (simple) way to make these items spawn in the inventory of the guy you just killed?

    I'd really like to have to search a body to get his phone or documents rather than have it appear on the ground nearby. I kind of want my player base to have to go and check bodies rather than just scan with optics to see if there's intel dropped.

  19. Not likely unfortunately. The items themselves aren't actual inventory items (although I'm sure you could mod them to be). Even using inventory items, it's not very simple. The way the engine deals with inventory objects, you can't track them from one unit or container (such as a crate / dead body / vehicle / the ground) to another (such as the player). When taking an item, it's effectively deleted from the original container and then an exact copy is spawned in the receiver's inventory or vice versa. You could do it in theory but it would be pretty complicated and probably not worth the effort for the reward.

  20. Fair enough, thanks for the insight

  21. @incontinenetia had an intel question also. When we are using your script and intel gets dropped by the AI faction we kill the information we are getting is a big circle like what Spyder Addons used to do and it only says "CIV" right in the middle. Is it possible we missed a setting in the script or is it supposed to work with Spyder Addons for intel and AI interaction?


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