CQB module lack of knowledge (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Fuhajins

    Hello. I started creating my first mission with ALIVE and it is really an enjoyable mod.
    I searched CQB but did not found a answer.

    I have in my mission an FIA Military module civil objective restricted to a big city. The FIA commander is occupation setting. I did link it to the AAF independent AI commander (Invasion setting) to make that so the AAF will try to take the city.

    I linked a CQB module to it with static option used so it spawn only FIA soldiers into the buildings if the player approach the objective and it is indeed controlled by FIA forces (It this the right way to do?).

    Unfortunately, when the AAF have captured the city and the player come close to it or try entering it; it does spawn FIA soldiers into the buildings among the rear of the AAF forces and chaos follow.
    Instead i tried linking the module to the FIA commander but it did spawn FIA soldiers on the whole map.

    I know there is a "dominant" side option, but i do not want to use this. The AAF forces have no need to put soldiers into the city, only after the capture.

    I would like to have some help about it, because i do not know how to do this and if it is even possible to do.
    Thank you for the read and sorry about my bad English.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723


    If you change the Placement setting in the CQB module to Dominant, and then change the Factions field to include both the AAF and FIA factions, the CQB units that spawn should be of the same faction that control the objective.

  3. Thank you. I put dominant and entered this into the field: BLU_G_F,IND_F .
    But is there any way to only the BLU_G_F (and not the AAF) spawn QCB soldiers as long as they occupy an aera?

  4. It will only spawn units of the faction that currently control the objective. So if BLU_G_F control the objective, it will spawn BLU_G_F units. If AAF eventually take control of the objective, it will spawn AAF units instead.

  5. Just tried it and it does work ! Thank you a lot. It's weird that AAF spawn divers into building, but that's another story :D
    Have a nice evening.

  6. I believe there is a module field for blacklisting/whitelisting classes that module can spawn, which should fix your diver issue.

  7. Not a module field but can be done via staticData

  8. Thank you for the link. So if i understand; i put this into my ALIVE (required) init field and voilĂ .

    ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_diver_F","I_diver_TL_F","I_diver_exp_F"];

  9. I've added this as an issue on GitHub (really it should not be spawning diver dudes!)

  10. Tupolov

    11 Feb 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    Those classes are already in the blacklist... Are you sure this is not Sea Patrol divers protecting an objective near the coast?

  11. Could very well be.. I've never run into this myself.. classnames look right. His original question was regarding CQB so thought that might be what's spawning them in (ie: not a profiled group).

  12. Hello.

    Yes indeed its from the QCB modules spawns. Have this with 0.9 and 1.0 (vanilla CBA+ALIVE).
    Maybe it is working as intended or my Arma have some issue, i do not know about this.
    Anyway for curiosity i am also getting Ghillies boys, crewmen, pilots and such.

  13. Yes CQB will spawn all types of troops for a faction. This happens when I use just about any mod with support troops. I.e. I'll have British Pilots spawn in buildings when using 3cb, etc. It's not a big enough deal to me to worry about, but you should be able to blacklist classnames.

  14. Alright. Yes i did blacklist indeed.

  15. I can't get it to work. I still see again divers, snipers and helicopter pilots in my CQB buildings.
    Is there something wrong with my code?

    ALiVE_MIL_CQB_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = ["I_diver_F","I_diver_TL_F","I_diver_exp_F","I_crew_F","I_helipilot_F","I_helipilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_pilot_F","I_helicrew_F","I_soldier_UAV_F","I_support_Mort_F","I_support_GMG_F","I_support_AMG_F","I_support_AMort_F","I_ghillie_ard_F","I_ghillie_sard_F","I_ghillie_lsh_F","I_Sniper_F","I_Spotter_F"];

    I did put into ALIVE required module init and thereafter the cqb module init.

  16. For those experiencing divers, etc spawning while using the CQB module - do you have it set so that CQB AI spawn on a headless client?

  17. Should be fixed in the next release

  18. Edited 9 years ago by Fuhajins

    Hello Savage,
    No, i did not yet set the HC clients in my mission.

    Alright Spyder.


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