Error in Personnel

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by stcrowe

    When I open Personnel (from Alive tablet), I get an error (on dev branch):

    Error undefined variable in expression: _datasource

    The error takes place in the fnc_GM.sqf, line 972

  2. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    I'm having this exact same problem when launching a Multiplayer mission through the editor.

    Screenshots of the error when I open the Personnel tool with ALiVE_Tablet:

    If I play the same mission from a dedicated server there's no error displayed. And not much else either, just a blank dark(ish) page.

    Tested with Arma 1.56, CBA and ALiVE 1.0 in use.

  3. Thanks for the reports fellas, have added a ticket for it

  4. Friznit

    27 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Cannot repro this with ALiVE+CBA on release version of ArmA.

    There is a different issue with it taking forever (fornever?) to load if there are a lot of AI on the map but no errors popping up.

  5. Created a small mission with only the most necessary components and using Arma 1.56, ALiVE 1.0 and CBA upgraded to the latest version

    Also a further confirmation done with the official ALiVE | Quick Start (COOP 9) mission that happened to include the ALiVE_Tablet.

    The problem still persists.

  6. Friznit

    28 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Is this specific to when you're hosting a Multiplayer game? I've been testing on a local machine via MP editor.

    Could be CBA related, since I'm using a slightly older version of CBA.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    When opening the Personnel tool via ALiVE_Tablet I'd break it down this way:

    -testing through the editor with either SP or hosting internet MP the game is showing me that fnc_GM.sqf, line 972 error message

    -hosting a internet multiplayer game shows empty Personnel page (no error message)

    -also tested ALiVE | Quick Start mission in Single Player mode, empty Personnel page (no error message)

  8. 8 years ago

    This should be fixed in the latest releases

  9. @SpyderBlack723 This should be fixed in the latest releases

    Can confirm that it is, now the two identical columns are displayed.

    Is it the correct way to join an AI group that you select the squad (eg. 0 Alpha 2-1) from the other column and then either select the SL or any squad member of that same group from the other column which then reveals you the Join group > button?

    If it is then the "Join group" is not joining the player anywhere. Or there is no confirmation such as that the squad member list would appear after succesful join -> player can't tell if he's actually in the squad or not. Also, when requesting SL's position there's no answer.

    Tested with @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE &

  10. To join a unit to the group, just select the target unit in one column and the target group in the other column. From there you can just hit the "Join Group" button and the list will refresh in a second with the results of the move.

    I cannot repro group position being disfunctional.

  11. @SpyderBlack723 I cannot repro group position being disfunctional.

    Group position being dysfunctional? Haven't noticed. I seem to be able to reproduce it, can't seem to be joining them groups. Or is it indeed because of this "group position dysfunction"?


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