New error after BIS update (SOLVED)

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  2. 9 years ago


    22 Feb 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    Map should not matter.

    Order modules were placed might be the cause. Maybe his Stratis mission, his ALiVE Required module was placed first?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah. I see what you're getting at. I'll try to repro later.

    If this is the cause, no wonder! I've mastered the art of copy/paste. :) They all get placed at the same time for me.

  4. Tupolov

    22 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Well I maybe wrong, just tested with my out of order module placement and couldn't repro.

  5. Did you try Altis?

  6. Tupolov

    22 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Yep I couldn't repro :(

    Don't worry, Highhead has spotted the problem and pushed a fix into dev.

    Looks like somehow those missions the init was getting messed up, so modules were expecting our Zeus integration to have completed already. Not sure why CBA 2.3.1 is causing that, but we've managed to avoid what is essentially a race condition.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Tupolov ...but we've managed to avoid what is essentially a race condition.

    Making great mods AND making the world a better place! ;)

    I'm really glad you guys have it isolated. It's quite a relief! Just wondering, is there a public place where I can view the currently being worked on bugs, by chance? There's a couple which are keeping me from playing right now and I'd like to at least see that they are on there (I'm also more than willing to repro for you guys if you need it too! I don't have any skills but if you need a warm body who can copy/paste mission.sqm's when issues are present I can do that).

    There's also two more oddball problems I'm seeing post EDEN but I want to refrain from posting them until I'm sure there's actually a problem.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's not maintained as much in terms of closing old issues but if you wish to report something, you can submit a ticket here:

    It should be spotted relatively quickly and assigned a priority.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks. If I find anything I'm 100% confident in, I'll register and post.

    I guess I do have kind of a stupid question that relates to EDEN. Is there any way to physically rotate the modules from either view in the 3D editor? Specifically, the CAS and Transport modules? I tried left shift+left click+mouse wheel in the new "map" view and they don't rotate like they do in the old 2D editor.

    I noticed after the update my choppers are facing the default direction and I can't figure out how to move them. If rotating modules can't be done I'll pass it along to BIS.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    HH's fix tested, seems to fix the issue.

  11. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Thanks. If I find anything I'm 100% confident in, I'll register and post.

    I guess I do have kind of a stupid question that relates to EDEN. Is there any way to physically rotate the modules from either view in the 3D editor? Specifically, the CAS and Transport modules? I tried left shift+left click+mouse wheel in the new "map" view and they don't rotate like they do in the old 2D editor.

    I noticed after the update my choppers are facing the default direction and I can't figure out how to move them. If rotating modules can't be done I'll pass it along to BIS.

    Looks like doing Shift + left click rotates them as normal, but it is not visualized. Maybe something to pass to BIS.

  12. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Thanks. If I find anything I'm 100% confident in, I'll register and post.

    I guess I do have kind of a stupid question that relates to EDEN. Is there any way to physically rotate the modules from either view in the 3D editor? Specifically, the CAS and Transport modules? I tried left shift+left click+mouse wheel in the new "map" view and they don't rotate like they do in the old 2D editor.

    I noticed after the update my choppers are facing the default direction and I can't figure out how to move them. If rotating modules can't be done I'll pass it along to BIS.

    Module options => system transformation = > rotation => Z axis should do the trick. Or shift + hold left mouse button.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 Looks like doing Shift + left click rotates them as normal, but it is not visualized. Maybe something to pass to BIS.

    How do you know they are rotating if you can't see it? Are the X,Y,Z axis' changing or are you just placing and previewing?

  14. Do as incontinenetia posted above.

    Double-click on the module, open the System Transformation tab, then you can view the X,Y,Z values of the module (Z is rotation)

  15. @incontinenetia Module options => system transformation = > rotation => Z axis should do the trick. Or shift + hold left mouse button.

    Shift + hold left mouse button is definitely not visually rotating them for me. At least not in the map view (I haven't tried the 3D view for this).

  16. @SpyderBlack723 Do as incontinenetia posted above.

    Double-click on the module, open the System Transformation tab, then you can view the X,Y,Z values of the module (Z is rotation)

    Ok. Gotcha. I need more precision for that. I'll check to see if altering the Z value visually rotates them. Rarely do I end up on something easy like 0, 90 or 270. I need to actually see it to place it properly. Thanks guys. I'll follow up with BIS if adjusting Z doesn't change the physical rotation.

  17. It won't show up in the module, only on the aircraft once it has spawned in. You can be fairly precise just by using degrees. If in doubt, place something there, rotate to the right angle, then use that angle to place the module.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia It won't show up in the module, only on the aircraft once it has spawned in. You can be fairly precise just by using degrees. If in doubt, place something there, rotate to the right angle, then use that angle to place the module.

    Thanks. That's a very smart workaround, actually. I opened a thread over on BIS forums but for now this will work nicely. I appreciate it.

  19. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So would the Devheaven stuff be the only major things we can expect to be incorporated in future updates? For instance, I know you guys are aware of the Profile Speed not working, the joining AI groups thing, and a lot of the C2ISTAR tasks failing but I don't specifically see those on the most current list. Should I add them?

  20. No they are probably on GitHub... which will be made more public shortly™

  21. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I just noticed that I lose the ability to command my squad after respawning (I'm using a respawn_west marker and CBA 2.3.1). It works fine on mission start though. The FKey AI teammate icons disappear after dying. Would that also be related to the same CBA issue which HH just fixed? Man I hope so. The game is so broken in MP right now. Yikes.


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