New error after BIS update (SOLVED)

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia I think I'm getting the same error despite the CBA hotfix. I'm not sure if it's causing the delays but I seem to have them too. The gamebreaking part of it for me is that it delays the loading time past the mission briefing / map screen and also skips the intro, and also skips the player persistence module init. So no player persistence.. There may be a new mod conflict so I'll do some testing. Seems to be funky with just ALiVE and CBA though.

    I think you and I use a lot of the same scripts. Long shot but have you tried launching or previewing with just the mission.sqm? I can try later if you haven't or don't get to.

    For mods I'm using 3CB (all four), Burnes Foxhound, CAF and the audio patch, SpyderAddons, AiA, ALiVE and CBA for the core. Non essentials are Shacktack UI, 101 Editor, Adjustable Full Screen Night Vision.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    Okay, I can confirm this happens with just vanilla and CBA, no scripts, just a basic ALiVE island-wide 3-way err... bang session.

    Edit: interestingly, the error doesn't appear on Stratis. Move the exact same modules / configuration, and you get the error on Altis. Perhaps it is an issue only when load time passes a certain threshold.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia Okay, I can confirm this happens with just vanilla and CBA, no scripts, just a basic ALiVE island-wide 3-way err... bang session.

    Edit: interestingly, the error doesn't appear on Stratis. Move the exact same modules / configuration, and you get the error on Altis. Perhaps it is an issue only when load time passes a certain threshold.


    So which issue are we talking about now? The error message I posted a picture of above or the intro being skipped/persistence not initializing?

  5. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    I'd now say they were almost certainly connected. When the error appears, player persistence fails, the mission takes ages to load, and it all goes a bit wrong.

    So the error is:

    '...=([] call BIS_fnc_listplayers) + (call |#|Alive_fnc_allCurators);
    _anyInRange - f...'
    Error undefined variable in expression: alive_fnc_allCurators
    File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\units\fnc_anyPlayersInRangeIncludeAir.sqf

    This error happens in Vanilla, with the latest Arma update, latest CBA (the hotfix version) and latest ALiVE.

    To reproduce, place the following modules on Altis:

    Repro 1:
    Military OPCOM synced to a civ placement module (place units, medium filters, shouldn't matter too much), a logistics module, and an IED module.

    • Alive (required)
    • Alive Data
    • Player Options
    • Virtual AI
    • Alive AI Skill
    • Alive Ambient Weather
    • Civilian Population
    • Civilian Placement

    Then add a player. All of these things set to no debug.

    Repro 2:
    Military OPCOM synced to a civ placement module (place units, medium filters, shouldn't matter too much), a logistics module, and an IED module.

    • Alive (required)
    • Alive Data
    • Player Options
    • Virtual AI

    Then add a player. Only civ military placement set to debug.

    Repro 3:
    Military OPCOM synced to a placement module (place units, medium filters, shouldn't matter too much), a logistics module, and an IED module.

    • Alive (required)
    • Alive Data
    • Player Options
    • Virtual AI

    Then add a player. Only military placement set to debug.

    The key symptoms of shit going wrong are the following:
    Loading screen > Player loads briefly > jumps back to loading screen for a while

    This usually happens with the error, but with only a few modules placed, it seems to happen so quickly you can't see the error. All you see is a brief flicker of the player loaded and then it jumps back to the loading screen. Missions take much longer to load. Take away the civilian population, the mission loads as normal.

    However, as the second repro shows, even with the civ population modules taken out, if you turn on debug in the military civ placement module, you'll get the error back along with the weird loading.

    Another thing I noticed was that the ambient dynamic weather seems to make the mission jump back into the loading screen, which can interfere with player persistence too.

    UPDATE: I can also confirm that player persistence does work when the error isn't present, and fails when the error is present. This is based on a cold start on the server (if the server is up and running and has already had somebody on it, persistence will work fine).

    With EDEN, I think they introduced automatic error reporting so you'll only see the error come up in the editor unless you have show errors enabled in the startup parameters.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks for doing what I was probably too lazy to do myself. :)

    That's really good info man. Should lead to a fix for sure.

    So are you leaning towards civ objects being the problem? I wonder what happens if mil objective is placed only without the civ placement and civ objective modules?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  I wonder what happens if mil objective is placed only without the civ placement and civ objective modules?

    Think I've reached my limit of patience for the evening, nothing stopping you from finding out though!

    Edit: Turns out mil placement on debug also causes the error...

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia Think I've reached my limit of patience for the evening, nothing stopping you from finding out though!

    But my laziness though. :(

    Yeah I can try it. I'll do your second test but replace the civ objective module with a mil objective module. I'll then preview in the editor. Sound reasonable or should I try my server or use different criteria? Only one OPCOM needed, correct?

    EDIT: I see your edit now have no clue. Good test man. If you have any more ideas for how I can narrow down the cause let me know. Only thing I can think of is just to keep removing modules until (hopefully) the error stops.

  9. @HeroesandvillainsOS  But my laziness though. :(

    Yeah I can try it. I'll do your second test but replace the civ objective module with a mil objective module. I'll then preview in the editor. Sound reasonable or should I try my server or use different criteria? Only one OPCOM needed, correct?

    EDIT: I see your edit now have no clue. Good test man. If you have any more ideas for how I can narrow down the cause let me know. Only thing I can think of is just to keep removing modules until (hopefully) the error stops.

    I've just tested but it would be really good to see if you can reproduce the error under the same scenario.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Will do. You probably didn't catch my edit but what I'll do after that is just keep removing modules until I'm down to the bare bones.

    Strange Altis and Takistan (my mission from the first post) would have this error but Stratis does not. Also doubly surprised if it's this easily reproducible we're the only ones talking about it.

    Yet another edit: Holy shit you ARE down to the bare bones. Ok. I'll just try to repro it then.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    GOT IT!! The problem IS with the latest CBA version (including the hotfix). Without that, it all works fine. So it isn't Eden, it is CBA. Now whether these changes are something ALiVE will have to adapt to or whether CBA will straighten out, I don't know. But for now, reverting to CBA version 2.2 seems to make things happy again (easily done using WithSix).

    And there's 8 hours I'll never get back...

  12. @incontinenetia GOT IT!! The problem IS with the latest CBA version (including the hotfix). Without those, it all works fine. So it isn't Eden, it is CBA. Now whether these changes are something ALiVE will have to adapt to or whether CBA will straighten out, I don't know. But for now, reverting to CBA version 2.2 seems to make things happy again.

    And there's 8 hours I'll never get back...

    Hah! Good work man. I'll link the thread over in the CBA area. It's the least I can do. Thanks a million man. Get some sleep! :)

  13. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Will try to get it fixed for the next ALiVE hotfix. CBA introduced quite a few changes that ALiVE will have to adapt to.

    btw, persistence isn't working because CBA changes render the ALiVE menu buttons useless

  14. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    @SpyderBlack723 Will try to get it fixed for the next ALiVE hotfix. CBA introduced quite a few changes that ALiVE will have to adapt to.

    Good to hear! Cheers Spyder.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Hah! Good work man. I'll link the thread over in the CBA area. It's the least I can do. Thanks a million man. Get some sleep! :)


  15. Would it be helpful if I made the CBA team aware or is this something that needs to happen in-house here?

  16. Most likely in house stuff. Not entirely sure what is causing the issue here but would need to look over the changes they've made.

  17. Would recommend sticking with CBA V2.2 like incontinenetia stated. Took a look at the rpt and it's filled with thousands of references to that error. As mentioned other things such as ALiVE persistence will also be broken.

  18. Ticket:

  19. New ALiVE user here. I stood up my very first, very barebones ALiVE test mission on Altis and ran smack into this problem. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Good to know I wasn't hallucinating it! :-)

  20. @SpyderBlack723 Ticket:

    The GitHub link leads to a 404 error. Just a heads up.

  21. Repo is hidden to outsiders for now

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