Want to learn more about ALiVE? Come play with us on our server!!

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  2. 9 years ago

    @dixon13 Heads up @AUTigerGrad ... I don't think we are allowed to advertise on here.

    My bad if I broke a rule on here. Not intending to advertise a milsim group. We're actually a relaxed, casual group. Just wanted to let folks know there is a server running a mission that is free to all to play if they want to. More to let them see how ALiVE works than anything.

    I'll take the post down if I need to.

  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS. Totally with you on the anticipation of Wildlands, it's the game im most looking foward to seeing at the moment. (Not looking forward to day 1 release though, its ubisoft after all. :P)

    I did try out the Division beta, its a bit too much bullet sponge for me, but if you where fine with that in games like Borderlands, then atleast that shouldnt bother you much. :)

  4. FYI, took down info til mod approval

  5. Friznit

    12 Mar 2016 Administrator

    No issues if you want to share your ALiVE server details here. Go nuts.

  6. Sweet! Now you can put I back up. Love the mission man! Hero and I had a good go of it last night. Took out some insurgents then just before he had to go he went down. Stabilized him but epinephrine wouldn't bring him back up. I guessing you're using advanced ace. So you need a pak right? Do you have it set where everyone can use them?

    In the end I had to load him in the truck and rush him back to base for treatment lol

    The only issue I had was one time I tried to respawn to move to a different base and it said "respawn disabled" had to leave and rejoin. Other than that from what I've seen its a lot of fun!

  7. Haha, yeah. Watching him heroically try to carry my dying ass back to the truck was like watching the climax to a good war movie.

    Good times. Lol

  8. If ALIVE wasn't randomly freezing I'd have a 32 slot server up in minutes. I have multiple versions of a Takistan Insurgency COIN mission built while I was trying different OpFor mods.

    Are you experiencing any freeze issues @AUTigerGrad ?

  9. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Give this version a try

    It should fix your freezing (please report back with results)

  10. Do I have permission to pass that build along to unit members to help me test? I'd like to test it with as many players as I can.

  11. Yes, we'd like to be assured that this fixes any freezing issues before releasing.

  12. Link restored to OP. @ski2060 We had one late night server freeze..but it was not when players were on the server. This latest dev build, from our testing, has done a great job of eliminating a ton of the desyncs/freezes as well as other bugs.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh. I forgot to tell you Woody and I did experience an issue on the dev build with units standing in place like mannequins. Woody theorized it may have been the garbage cleaner or something and I could see that. It did seem like they were from dead bodies coming back to life and standing in place.

    Never seen that before.

  14. OK, got my server up running the following mod list if anyone wants to try it out.
    @CBA_A3;@ace;@ALiVE;@task_force_radio;@IWAR- Irregular Warfare;@Leights OPFOR Pack OFFICIAL;@Spyder Addons;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@Ares;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@Aliveserver

    I am in the server, but will be non-responsive. Just logged in from home machine via VPN :D

    No BluFor AI other than base defenses, Base is set up for Players to run everything.

  15. Couple of vids from our session tonight....

  16. What is password please?

  17. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


  18. Edited 9 years ago by Ludi

    I am so up for this!

    I took the liberty of creating a PWS Collection for ease of loading:

    If I missed anything in the mod list give me a shout


  19. actually, this does not factor dev versions so it is prolly defunct...

  20. That was such a blast! You should post the pic of me after the "IED incident" with the 70 bandages lol

  21. @Woody05 That was such a blast! You should post the pic of me after the "IED incident" with the 70 bandages lol

    There's a bandage shortage in Afghanistan now thanks to you.


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