Leights Opfor Faction Compatibility

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    @Sheeps I should be able to get the previous release from our server so will roll back mine then wipe it from my mission never to use his work again!

    Or you could do that. Lol

  3. I am hoping they just messed something up in today's patch and can fix it asap, instead of completely changing the faction names.

    It's not like I'm using a lot, just ISTS and Tak_Civ right now since I removed the props that were messed up.

    If that doesn't work out I'll need an ISTS analogue and some Civs. I have IWAR troops in there as my occupying forces for BluFor to go against, as well as ISTS Insurgents in a much smaller number to mess with the players.

  4. Another benefit of Aggressors over Leights is the fact that Leights has a dependency of RHS. Aggressors does not.

  5. I'll be sticking with CAF aggressors for opfor and my civ vehicles from now I think

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You'll need to use vanilla civ vehicles but yeah, still the best middle eastern faction available IMO. And don't forget the sound hotfix for CAF (which should be available in the main download page on Armaholic).

  7. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    I have CAF. I guess I could use them for my Insurgents and Civs, and keep IWAR AIF for my Occupier force.

  8. Instead of adding an entire vehicle class to the civ pop module can you add specific vehicles?

  9. It seems like one of the devs for LOP has a working copy, and is just waiting for Leight's go ahead to re-upload to Steam to fix their issues. But, I'm going to hold off on re-subscribing on steam, and make a backup copy of the current working version just in case.

  10. Ye I've been burned by Leights now. Not sure I fancy going back which is a shame as having ANA and AP units on my Sangin map was a nice touch.

  11. highhead

    23 Mar 2016 Administrator

    I Use Massis middle eastern warfare pack for civis and CUP! Once CUP may also deliver civis i ,ay switch to only CUP.

  12. that might be the way forward for me too so as to help some of our members with less capable rigs

  13. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Keeway

    Hello from LOP developer, any protips on configuration our mod? What exactly we need to do? We have working groups so far.

  14. According to server RPTs it looks like a lot of the models I am using aren't set up for extended event handlers. Unless that was fixed in 1.8 as I am using 1.7.1 still.
    I can provide recent RPTs that you can comb through to look for issues that might pop up with LOP units.

    I am using ISTS and TAK_Civ for my Insurgents and civilians, and any improvement that would cut down on RPT bloat would be awesome!

  15. You can always send me I will check if it was fixed or not, but please use this thread http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/509966175/392184522713399512/

  16. @Keeyway, thanks for chipping in. If you could configure your insurgent groups (ISTS etc.) to be a bit smaller, that would go down very well in ALiVE!

  17. Will try to do my best.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Keeway Hello from LOP developer, any protips on configuration our mod? What exactly we need to do? We have working groups so far.

    Keeyway, I'm really happy you're stepping in to help develop this mod. It really is a mess with ALiVE so you've come to the right place. Lots of smart people here.

    First things first man is you guys need to stop changing the pre-existing classnames and faction classes (making a faction from OPFOR to IND, etc). LOP is a mission killer because every update poses the risk of breaking existing missions.

    Also, regarding ALiVE, the units seem to be configured to spawn WAY too many people. For example, let's say an ALiVE mission maker has a mission where 100 units spawn across the map. When they consist of an average of 4-10 people each, this is a really nice way to have a well populated and well balanced mission. But LOP seems to be on the high end and I've personally seen what seems like well over a dozen soldiers spawn in one unit and then several more of similar numbers spawn too. For one, it kills mission balance because too many enemies spawn all at once which is horrible for Insurgencies, and now also imagine how that many enemies spawning all at once can hurt performance.

    LOP is a sexy mod but like I said, it's just too risky to use. Every update poses the possibility that some major change will break a pre-existing mission. Leight has done this over and over and over and my opinion is that needs to be the first thing that changes going forward.

  19. @changing existing classnames, I would rather stay away from it, but on the other hand I will hide some content from editor (with scope=1) for example T-72 for factions that should not use them. But if you have them in your missions you will not get any errors, because they will still exist in config. Btw. you may not like this but Im going to move United Nations factions to Independent just like it was in Arma 2, I just dont know why Leight added them to BLUFOR -.-"

    @groups I need more feedback on that. Right now I'v edited CfgGroups of Afghan Army and Police and for Infantry I have there: 1 squad consisting of 2 people (sentry), 2 squads consisting of 4 people (AT and casual fireteam), 1 squad consisting of 5 people (Support Team) and the 8 man Weapons Squad. Which I think is pretty balanced, but if you have any comments feel free to express them. If you can confirm the number of these groups do it and I will move on to the next factions.

  20. I like this cooperation. You just don't see that very much anymore in the Arma community.

  21. Edited 8 years ago by Keeway

    Some people may call it unprofessional, but at the end of the day we play the same game :P

    Anyway like I said before feel free to share your thoughts on groups or on our mod in general.


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