Leights Opfor Faction Compatibility

  1. 9 years ago

    The Leights Opfor website says it is compatible with ALiVE. However, everytime that I try to use the factions, they don't work and I get an error message. I am using LOP_ISTS or LOP_SLA, etc etc and none of those work. Any suggestions?

  2. No clue. I use LOP_ISTS and have no problems on my server with them.
    I just updated to the 1.1 GA release an got the server running again. I'll check it and see if anything broke.

  3. Hmmm that is really weird

  4. Leights has always had a history of RPT spam and random config erros with his mod. I like the mod, but I always end up having "weirdness" using it.

  5. Agreed. It's very ambitious and beautiful but too much of a mess for me to commit to with ALiVE.

  6. Yea I have absolutely no clue why this isn't working. The biggest issue I have is that it doesn't even give me a reason other than its just not found.

  7. At one point Leights OPFOR worked great with ALIVE. Then after an Leights update he completely changed around the groups and goofed everything up in terms of working well with Alive.

  8. I have been using Leights just fine with ISTS and Takistani Civs up until today.
    LOP updated to fix a few issues it seems, and now I can't get the damn mission I just had working to start now.

    I'm getting a bunch of repeating errors regarding LOP_FACTION_TKA blah blah sqf for an Mi8, UAZ, and BMP. I have no idea what faction TKA is, as it is not shown on any faction lists for LOP Alive factions, nor am I using that faction at all for any items on my map.


  9. Leight updates are why I don't use his factions any more. He has no regard for how existing missions will handle his sweeping changes.

  10. Found my issue. The UN vehicles I had on the map as props have some kind of issue referring them to the TKA Faction sqf for paint/decals. I just removed them for now and it's working.

    Now to get Zeus working again...
    And maybe tweak my OpFor numbers down a bit. Map is feeling a bit laggy.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah, Leights notoriously uses some very high unit counts in his configs. It's going to be a delicate balance for sure if you plan on see this through with his mod.

    Also for now I just generally keep the Virtual AI Limiter to 15-20 on all maps regardless of faction.

  12. What do you guys use as Middle East civ vehicles? I'm currently using Leights Lop_tak_civ as I wasn't keen on the CAF ag for civ vehicles but stick to CAF for the civs themselves.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I use CAF and just let them drive the vanilla cars (CAF does have pickups with technicals attached too). Totally worth the trade off to me. Although Leight's vehicles are sexy, it's just not worth the potential risk IMO.

  14. Aaannnddd Leights just updated again. Hoping it fixed whatever the issue was.

    I just use vanilla vehicles, and Lop_tak_civ for my civvies.

    Think I need to up my civ count just a tad, and lower my OpFor units down to 15-20 or so.

  15. Aaannnddd Leights just updated again.

    Uh oh LOL!

  16. The Leights civ vehicles are just from RHS Russian force and standard unless he messes around with them they certainly look like the stock.

  17. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Think I need to up my civ count just a tad, and lower my OpFor units down to 15-20 or so.

    That's never a bad philosophy in an insurgency mission in general (I know you're taking about FPS but it's a good thing to point out either way). High civ counts will allow for potential high enemy counts as they recruit the civilian population into going darkside.

    Though it's always a tough balance as you don't want the beginning of the mission to dull either. Hardest thing about mission making with ALiVE in my book.

    One time I thought I had balanced things perfectly until I found a mosque somewhere and literally probably 50 enemies plus civilians spawned simultaneously. My performance brutally tanked and I'm still shocked I didn't CTD.

  18. highhead

    18 Mar 2016 Administrator

    LOL! Yeah, LOP units were a bit "unstable" - i had to put the CBA auto_enable_XEH pbo from optional to productive folder to make it work (once a while ago).

    I want to get CUP units work well (and they do) but i cant seem to be able to use civilians. Anyone has CUP Taki civis working?

  19. Well LOP update has bust my Sangin mission. Do you gents have any idea how I can salvage it. It says it can't load to editor because lop_faction_aa and lop_faction_ia are missing

  20. highhead

    18 Mar 2016 Administrator

    oh god! Did he (again) change faction names?!

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