Multispawn insertion Marker problem

  1. 9 years ago

    Hello All !!

    I'm having a weird problem... I'm trying to configure the Multispawn Insertion and the module is ignoring the markers Insertion and destination !!?? Everything is working but the heli insertion point is always in the lower left corner of the map (takistan) and the destination is on top of the multispawn module !!! no matter where a place the makers

    I'm using RHS, I have try the faction name at the end of ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_INSERTION_ and ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_DESTINATION_ :
    BLU_F - NATO

    Always the same result??!!

    My mods are:
    Takistan (CUP)

    Anyone have a idea ??

    Thanks in advance


  2. Friznit

    18 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Try playing as a vanilla (BLU_F) unit and test using that faction. RHS can be really funky so it could be the faction name isn't working properly - could be case sensitive?

  3. I have had the same problem ever since EDEN came out. Doesn't matter if I use default units or not. It doesn't even work with "respawn_west" type markers. I've just been using the built in Respawn Position modules instead, but it's not as fun as the helo insertion.

  4. highhead

    23 Mar 2016 Administrator

    have you trieplacing the Multispawn module at the landing site, placing a real manned transport heli at the start site, and syncing the heli to the multispawn module?

  5. 8 years ago

    @Laplaie - are you still experiencing this issue with the latest update?

  6. Is there a fix for this yet? Been having the same problem, also using RHS, and also on the Takistan map.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by matze

    Takistan and RHS here too. Only placed the markers and the module and the chopper seems to look for a landing site near the respawn_west. Sometimes it uses the H nearby but most times it lands directly on the respawn_west instead of the give markers.

  8. Ok, so for me it seems to be a problem with how many units are placed on a map manually by me. If I only place the players squad and the helicopter insertion module, then heli insertion works as intended. It's only when I start to introduce lots of units that are manually placed by me, and synced to the ALiVE profile module, that I have problems.
    I assume it's because my system has low RAM and processing speeds, and simply isn't loading things quick enough - and so for whatever reason, vehicles that aren't synced to the ALiVE module are spawned at the lower left corner of the map (co-ordinates = 0,0,0 or NULL). The result is a large explosion as all the vehicles are spawned on top of each other.

    TL;DR: I need moar power, my problem is not a bug that needs fixing.


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