Some questions

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi. I was hoping someone could help me answer some questions i have about different ALiVE settings and modules.

    CQB. I have synced the CQB module to the assymetric commander, as i understand this will make it place AI's around the map based on priorety. Am i correct or is this wrong?

    Intel. Will intel drop from dead insurgents or do i have to use some kind of scripts for this? And if i am using spyder addons, will the mod override this?

    Persistence. Is it possible to get persistence without war room? If so, could some of you please explain what settings and modules is needed.
    Dont get me wrong, i have nothing against war room. But i am not the leader for the clan i play with and because of that i feel it would be wrong if where to register the clan.
    ALiVE is running in my dedi server so we can have something to do between ops, and i think it would be nice to have some persistence in the mission.

  2. You're correct on the CQB. I typically sync CQB to Assymetric AI Commanders...conventional style AI I'll leave unsynced and just have CQB set to dominant faction.

    You have to use scripts as of now to get intel off of dead bodies. However, both vanilla alive and Spyderblack's Addon mod give you intel when you question Civilians.

    No, you can't have persistence without a war room account as far as I know. I'm sure a mod will correct me if I'm mistaken.

  3. CQB. I have synced the CQB module to the assymetric commander, as i understand this will make it place AI's around the map based on priorety. Am i correct or is this wrong?

    CQB will only exist in places that insurgents have taken over.

  4. Here's a thread with an Intel on dead bodies script. I use it myself actually:

    There's a lot of replies in there. Start at the bottom and work your way up.

  5. Thanks for all the answers:)
    Also, is there a way to make the bluefor opcom dont attack at all? I just want them to hold the base and dont run out on their own missions, but i still want to be able to call in support.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I don't think so. Your best bet might be to manually add the units and not use a Military AI commander for BLUFOR at all. Unless I'm missing something I think the AI commander will send them on missions if you use the module.

    Though you'd only be able to use CAS and ARTY support I'd assume. Not sure if unit logistics would work at all without an AI commander but I haven't tried it.

  7. @mrbuer Thanks for all the answers:)
    Also, is there a way to make the bluefor opcom dont attack at all? I just want them to hold the base and dont run out on their own missions, but i still want to be able to call in support.

    Do not sync the BLUFOR opcom to the enemy's placement modules. This will make the BLUFOR commander only aware of the objectives that his units occupy.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    But they don't stay in place that way, do they? I never sync my OPCOM to the enemy OPCOM objectives but they still go out and try to kill bad guys. I think he's asking how to keep them on the base and not attack at all. That's why I recommend he get rid of the OPCOM all together and just manually place the units.

    I guess he could blacklist the enemy AO but won't they still go there to attack at some point?

  9. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    If the commander isn't aware of the enemy objectives, he will not attack them. They will only go on short patrols 200-300m outside the objective they are stationed at.

    Getting rid of the OPCOM module would be the best way to do it, but that depends on if you want to keep Military Logistics and Player Resupply.

  10. The OPCOM is not synced to the OPFOR placement. Anyways i found a solution to the problem, or sort of.
    I enabled place HQ, reduced the amount of groups and adjusdet the priorety to only high values. It makes the units stay inside the base and if they loose some they can call ressuply from the force pool.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    Hmmm. For my missions I have been using a base with a few AI BluFor spawned to protect it, but no BluFor OpCom because they were causing too much grief going out and messing with missions.

    I was wondering how to get them to stay at the base area and only protect it.
    If I place a BluFor OpCom at the base, make it a TAOR and have it set as the BluFor TAOR will that keep them inside and/or limited to the 200-300 meters around it?
    And if that will work, how do I keep it to a minimal number of units spawned at one time? Just use the unit spawn override for specific type of units I want to guard?


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