Incognito question

  1. 8 years ago


    Is the default time for figuring out if someone reverts to incognito 60 minutes?

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && {time < 60}) then {{_x setVariable ["INC_notDismissable",true]} forEach (units group _unit)};

    We are having guys who are not reverting once they take enemy gear or how long it truly takes to return to an independent state. Also is there a way for our guys to have a button press to check their level of hostility or incognito level?


  2. Time is measured in seconds

  3. OK then maybe we have done something wrong then in the script configuration. Our guys are not returning to incognito after being away from the enemy views for any length of time. Will investigate further.

  4. 7 years ago

    It's a bit more complex than just switching back to incognito once you're out of sight of the enemy - but switching uniforms should work as long as you haven't been compromised in that uniform before (and are not in sight of enemy units). Is that not what is happening? If so, could you run debug and / or send a repro mission?

    I've not done any more obvious hints as I wanted to maintain the suspense of going undercover... but I've been thinking about making a UI element or something. I just have to learn how to do UI stuff! May take a while as life has busied up again for the near future.

  5. Oh and @Nichols thanks for the compliments dude! Just read what you wrote in my last thread. Glad you're enjoying it and keep the feedback coming.

  6. @incontinenetia It's a bit more complex than just switching back to incognito once you're out of sight of the enemy - but switching uniforms should work as long as you haven't been compromised in that uniform before (and are not in sight of enemy units). Is that not what is happening? If so, could you run debug and / or send a repro mission?

    Understood and I am working on a repro now; also we can give you an RPT of the mission we are currently running if that helps.

    @incontinenetia I've not done any more obvious hints as I wanted to maintain the suspense of going undercover... but I've been thinking about making a UI element or something. I just have to learn how to do UI stuff! May take a while as life has busied up again for the near future.

    We might have a few guys that can help out with that as well.

  7. That would be awesome Nichols. Keep me posted.


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