Crash 1.0.2 (Out of memory maybe?)

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    In that example the guy had @ACE mod loading twice which caused a bunch of issues leading to the OOM error. "Trace" refers to something else.. not ALiVE related.

    It's also possible that your OOM error and the DXGI error are not related - usually DXGI problems are fixed by re-installing the GPU drivers or rolling back to an older version.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Is it possible I'm running out of memory because of error spam? You should see how many times that error repeated. I'd estimate a thousand times before I ran out of memory and crashed. I have a suspicion lunching -nologs would "fix" the issue but I really want to sort this out.

    Exit code is still DXGI Error Device Removed and inside the rpt, I also saw unable_to_init_dxgi.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Any idea where I can find the source of the "trace" errors with feedback tracker down?

    EDIT: Plenty of people reporting this error in EXILE. I'll do some googling for a concrete solution.

    EDIT2: Only about half a dozen reports of this error I can find and no solution or possible cause has been shared.

  5. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Is it possible I'm running out of memory because of error spam? You should see how many times that error repeated. I'd estimate a thousand times before I ran out of memory and crashed. I have a suspicion lunching -nologs would "fix" the issue but I really want to sort this out.

    Those errors get written to file so I would doubt they would be stored as well in memory but that's an easy thing to test :)

  6. How do I test it?

  7. -noLogs

  8. Yeah makes sense.

  9. Heya,

    Did you resolve the out of memory issue?
    It has been persistent for me for months and as a result I have given up on the game altogether.. I come back occasionally foir the odd 3 hours of testing to see if i can fix it.

  10. This isn't an issue caused by ALiVE. It's a mysterious bug in Arma 3 in general, and has plagued the platform for months and months (it's never happened to me FWIW and ALiVE is all I play).

    Hopefully 64-bit, which is in Developement Branch, resolves the problems but that has some issues too so who knows how long it'll be before it's stable and even then, the improvements it will offer are really anybody's guess.

  11. Thanks for the quick reply.

    I have tried all of the mumbo jumbo fixes - malloc / virtual ram / etc /etc
    I even altered bios ram settings to try to get some stability with xmp profiler settings.

    Your summary matches my conclusion following reading the various forum posts about this for the last few months.
    So I guess its a waiting game

    The dogs will appreciate me having more free time for walks I suppose

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    FWIW, and I know there is no "solution," but here are some things I do.

    I always use the default BI malloc. I have an updated graphics driver. I allow Windows to manage my page file. I don't go nuts with units or objectives on the map, and I never EVER play any missions with any pop-up script errors (unless someone else is hosting and it's out of my control). I only ever use the finest and best quality mods, and I keep them at a minimum (I rarely use more than 10 at a time).

    Jo Schmoe's bad-ass Armaholic released super special launcher doesn't get used in my missions, period.

    FWIW, I have an i7-6700k, GTX 970 with 16 GB of RAM, and never overclock even though PC Master Race says I should.

    I also close any program that isn't essential when playing the game too. And I always run -nologs when actually playing the game as well (I allow logs only when testing and mission making).

  13. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  14. Appreciate the pointers.

    My group play with a bunch of mods, many of which are a tad dicey, so this could be part of the drama. Will see if I can get them to par things back a little and will have another crack at the default malloc..

  15. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You should really be using the default memory allocator as of the most recent version of Arma.

  16. thisun?


  17. as in, just drop any allocator references from your startup line completely. The game should handle that on it's own.

  18. Ludi, yes that's the default one. Like Spyder said, it defaults to it when left unchecked.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by raditz5

    I had these issues of crashing or going to 3 fps due to memory leak until I upgraded to 32 gigs of ram(used to have 8 gigs) and switched to dev branch with 64 bit. The crashing and low fps issue went away but my memory usage keeps going up the longer I play. I have seen over 14 gigs used so far but I never play for more than an hour at a time tops.

  20. You should report that to BIS man. There is no way that would be ideal.

  21. 7 years ago

    We are experiencing that issue also. It takes 24 hours for my dedicated + 3 HC running ACE, Tfar and AlIve to go out of memory and crash the box. 32g Ram on it. ... pretty bad....

    It starts at 11500gb. Current test I am running.. 14 hours IN i am at 22719gb In use, 5265 modified and 4655 Free. No one is on the server except 5-10 ai. Alive is on pause also since there is no player present. It shoudl crash in the next couple of hours. Removing some HC slow the process.


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