I'm using OPFOR/CSAT.
I don't really use any of these "modern channels" for file distribution. For now I've got only IRC off the top of my head. Surely if you got something to suggest?
I'm using OPFOR/CSAT.
I don't really use any of these "modern channels" for file distribution. For now I've got only IRC off the top of my head. Surely if you got something to suggest?
Heh, well damn. Do I need another site with login credentials and another password-username combination to remember :)
I guess you DO know to what kind of gibberish the mission.sqm holds these days after the Eden update?
But you could try if this works (set to 1 hour expiration): http://pastebin.com/UYn2648j
I joined the server and could not even get unit marking to return any data from the server, so presumably that is where the issue occurs (on the server). All other functions work as expected for me.
Unfortunately the error
18:40:13 Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,String,Config entry 18:40:13 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_hashGet.sqf, line 36
Offers nearly no information other than something is corrupted.
I get a type Bool error in one of my missions too. I had a hunch it was caused by 3Den Enhanced but when I ran it past R3vo, although he said he had seen that error too, he couldn't pinpoint what the cause was. And he's a very good scripter/mod maker/all around dude on the forums.
Gotta love BIS vagueness. "You were kicked off the game" is my personal favorite. Like no crap BIS. I can see that. I'm sitting on the desktop. :)
@HeroesandvillainsOS Does Unit Marking in the intel tablet work for you?
Which feature are you taking about? The activate all unit markers debug option from the tablet? If so, yes.
If you go through the ALiVE Menu
ALiVE Menu >> Commander Actions >> Intel >> Unit Marking
@SpyderBlack723 All of a sudden I had a Dropbox account.. all this time. Sent the link your way Spyder via PM.
Yes that is working fine. I limit it to just show my side and show my side it does. :)
I'll double check for sure though because it may have been a few days since I used that feature.
Good news, I can reproduce the error with that mission file. Will work on a fix.
@SpyderBlack723 Good news, I can reproduce the error with that mission file. Will work on a fix.
Well, that's witchcraft of some sorts. For some the functionality works a'ok and apparently for some it doesn't, but either way you're still ready with a fix ^^
Honestly have no clue what's happening in this mission, it seems really corrupt somehow.
I have managed to stop the error from occurring but was unable to get it to work.
Then on a whim I replaced the Required, Virtual AI, C2ISTAR, Player Options, and Combat Logistics modules and it worked without any issues.
So yeah, no idea how the mission was so messed up (Just Eden things), but replacing the modules seems to do the trick. Let me know if it doesn't.
Thanks Spyder.
Got time today to do some testing with ALiVE again such as longplay a mission of mine for testing purposes, so will probably have also time to create a fresh test mission and see if this problem will persist.
@SpyderBlack723 Then on a whim I replaced the Required, Virtual AI, C2ISTAR, Player Options, and Combat Logistics modules and it worked without any issues.
^ This did help all right.
I did create another mission from scratch for testing purpose and also with that the error was displayed. FYI I only placed ALiVE (required), VIrtual AI, C2ISTAR and then one TAOR for both factions with one AI commander.
After getting the error message I went to remove those three modules (ALiVE (required), VIrtual AI, C2ISTAR) and replace them again without touching any of the options within them. Another test and this time without the error + the markings were displayed for all the spawned profiles.
Not happy with this amount of testing though. Might there be a possibility that placing the stuff in certain order creates this situation.. or maybe changing some option within any of the modules(?). It's got to be something.
Not happy with this amount of testing though. Might there be a possibility that placing the stuff in certain order creates this situation.. or maybe changing some option within any of the modules(?). It's got to be something.
Yeah no clue honestly, make sure you don't copy paste any modules... EDEN doesn't like that :)
Selecting Faction for the Limit Intel: option in Player Command/Control (C2ISTAR) module is what brings up this error message (+ the unit markings won't be displayed) whereas the other two available ones (Side & All) don't.
For testing purposes create a small sample mission by placing the ALiVE (required), ALiVE Virtual AI System and Player Command/Control (C2ISTAR) modules, one TAOR marker with Military placement module next to it and at least commander for the side/faction you're testing from. You can leave pretty much everything unchanged in the modules except for the Limit Intel: option in Player Command/Control (C2ISTAR) which needs to be changed to Faction.
Tested with Arma3 1.58.135742, @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE (problem got carried over from Arma3 1.58.135656 and @ALiVE
Awesome, thanks for specific cause
And fixed