Dedicated Issue

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    When I put it on the dedicated server it just seems to go crazy

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    This is odd. I've had issues in the past with too many/too few units showing up based on really dirty errors and rpt/log spam, but I've never seen anything like this.

    Out of curiosity, what are the mods? Is it possible there's a mod that's being run on either the client or server that isn't in the other location?

    Which one would you say is acting more 'normal?'

    Does this only happen on Duala?

  4. Yea like thats with only having 60 units total available to the commander and most locations look like that where its just packed with OPFOR (well above 60). On local it runs fine but as soon as I Put it on the dedicated it just says "screw your limits" and goes crazy with it. I also have restrictions of 1 group of infantry and 1 group of motorized for each module (2 for infantry total and 2 for motorized total) to be able to spawn. I thought it was just LEIGHTs but then now im using a competently different pack (the Foes and Allies pack) and its doing the same thing.

    Mods are: ASR_AI3, blastcore, arma enhanced movement, foes and allies, leights (both the old version and the new version have the same effect, only using for african civilians), CUP terrains, panthera, isla duala, RHSUSAF and RHS AFRF, spec4vests, TRYK uniforms, Theuseus services, and task force radio.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Boy this is interesting. I'd personally suggest trying one of two things:

    1. Try a map not made by icebreaker and see if the issue stops.

    2. Remove blastcore (is this even MP compatible?), enhanced movement, TRYK, Theuseus one by one to see if the problem stops. It may not hurt to try removing Leights too.

    Something would seem to be breaking the mission initialization. I've seen similar things too by using bad objects, scripts and mods but never a dedicated server only problem like this. What a strange problem....

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Opendome

    yea I just tried in on Ziwasogo but I got 1 fps with only military/civ placement modules on high filtering and only platoon sized elements for each and turned off all but the minimum mods, and its not like I have a bad computer (6600K, GTX 970, 16 GB of RAM) Trying some other maps now

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by Opendome
  8. Oh we have the same rig! I'll have to check the new version of the map out.

  9. also I just saw a video of devildog playing ALiVE on Isla Duala and he doesnt seem to have the same issue as I do.

  10. I'm not sure what video you're talking about but to be a fair comparison, we'd have to assume he's using the same version of the map and also the same mods as you.

    Again, I'm no expert but what's happening sounds like a problem right when ALiVE initializes at mission start. I don't know if you remember but Highhead helped me determine that a perfectly fine mod (ARP2) was causing problems with units not spawning in the correct numbers. And lots of people use ARP2 without issue but I had a mystery conflict somewhere.

    The easiest way to see if there's a problem with the map is to try the same mods on another map. If it's the same we'll know there's a mod conflict.

  11. I've been trying to test it but it seems kind of hit and miss on other maps. Here's my RPT from the duala mission though. This is driving me nuts!

  12. looking through the logs one thing that seems to be prevalent are the

    "17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 91, 93, 92
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 95, 94, 90
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 95, 90, 91
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 100, 108, 101
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 103, 109, 102
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 206, 207, 203
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 206, 203, 202
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 213, 220, 212
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 214, 221, 215
    17:06:52 Warnings in ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:1
    17:06:52 Key frame animation, no 'keyframe' property
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 30, 0, 20
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 21, 1, 31
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 34, 2, 24
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 25, 3, 35
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 274, 272, 273
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 274, 273, 275
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 294, 292, 293
    17:06:52 Warning: ibr\ibr_rn\ibr_most_stred30.p3d:2.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 294, 293, 295"

    and the many varieities of

    "17:06:53 Performance warning: Search for 168922: brg_africanboxwood_1.p3d was very large (640 m)
    17:06:53 Performance warning: Very large search for 170760 (>400 m)"

    im not quite sure what these mean though?

  13. Looks like the newest version of the map has issues with objects, and the last one looks like the map just needs a reindex.

  14. ahhh ok thanks! So could that be why the unit limit gets ignored and it places so many of them all over the place?

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm guessing yes this is all map related.

  16. lol yea it makes sense, back when it used to sort of seemed like an all or nothing thing with indexes, either it worked or it didn't.

  17. I'm finding the more I use ALiVE, the more I notice everything working until one specific thing isn't working. If I were you'd I'd still try to test another non-Icebreaker map. If you do let us know. It's possible it could be a mod or script issue too.

  18. I tried it for a bit on chernarus and it seemed to be working properly then.

  19. Turned off all mods except the required for duala and the FAP pack, ace, CBA, and AliVE also removed all scripts I added to the mission and I still get the same problem. Way to many units keep spawning and the limits get ignored, both the group limiter and the total unit size limiter.

  20. So it's the map then, yeah? Working ok on non-Icebreaker maps I take it?

  21. Haven't had time to do extensive testing on other maps but the tests I did do on other maps it seemed to work fine so Im thinking it is the map unfortunately :(


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