Iron Front Lite ?

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Hi Tupolov,

    Thanks for responding - hmm - I must be doing something wrong then - I'll check my work again tonight when I get home - maybe I had a brain fart or something...


  3. Hi Folks,

    Just for the record - I was testing with LIB_WEHRMACHT and LIB_US_ARMY... I'll try some others tonight as well...



  4. Tupolov

    6 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Testing now and working great.

  5. Hi Tupoluv,

    Thanks so much for going the extra mile - I can't imagine what I did wrong - I'll start with a clean slate tonight and see if I can get it to work... My apologies for the false alarm...


  6. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Make sure you don't have any rogue spaces before or after the faction name

  7. Hi Spyder,

    Will do - I checked that - but I'll start from scratch just to be sure... It was the first time I had used the Steam based ALiVE too... I probably just fat fingered something... I'll follow up here... Thanks for all the help - you guys sure run a first class operation...


  8. Hi Folks,

    Ok - just a follow up - it's my machine - something must be messed up with it... I went back to RHS which I've use more than a dozen times and I'm getting the same symptoms with that now... This is my laptop I use when traveling - so it's not my primary machine but it had worked with ALiVE previously - I haven't used it in like a year though... I had just installed ALiVE via Steam - so I pulled it off and when back to the standard ALiVE which I know worked in the past - no change... Strange - to get a custom faction to show up on a new mission - minimally you can do it with four modules - right (required, virtual AI, milirary commander, military placement) ? No changes are required to (required and virtual AI) and you simply paste (no spaces) the required faction names in both (military commander, military placement) finally - one of the last two modules you have to turn off the default NATO option... That's it - right - not rocket science ?

    I did a base setup with just ALiVE, CBA, and the required factions loaded - I tried loading ALiVE first - then last - no change...

    I know the factions are loaded properly because I can use them without ALiVE...

    LOL - I spent hours on this... Just this past weekend I built a fairly large RHS Inurgency on my primary machine without an issue...



  9. Tupolov

    7 Jul 2016 Administrator

    So your issue is that friendly groups are attacking you?

  10. Hi Tupolov,

    Well - no - it's that no matter what "custom faction" I select by pasting the ALiVE Wiki names into the respective custom fields (no spaces) on both (military commander and military placement modules) - ALiVE is only populating that default vanilla group that opposes NATO over the entire map... I've attempted custom faction names from both IF and RHS so it's not limited to a specific faction mod... So they do attack me as I'm normally playing as BLUFOR and I believe they are the OPFOR in vanilla...


  11. What faction names are you writing exactly? Could you take a photo of the inside of your modules so we can see how you set them up?

  12. Hi Hero,

    When I was testing with IF I used "LIB_WEHRMACHT" and "LIB_US_ARMY" - one for each side...

    When I was testing with RHS I only used one faction - "rhs_faction_usmc_d"...

    I can take some screenshots or even post the mission tonight - it's really simple - I would assume you only need to see the image of the (military commander and military placement modules) ? It's only four modules and I didn't change any settings on (required and virtual AI)...

    As mentioned - I built a fully working ALiVE scenario over the weekend on my primary machine - it seems to be only my laptop giving me fits...


  13. Do you have the most up-to-date versions of ALiVE and CBA on your laptop? (Sorry if this has been answered already)

  14. Hi Spyder,

    LOL - no worries - I really do appreciate all the help...

    Yep - CBA was installed via Steam and appears up to date - same obviously with Arma... Both RHS and IF updated too via their respective processes...

    When I first noticed the issue - couple days ago - I had just started messing with Arma after an extended break - I noticed ALiVE was now available via STEAM so I installed it from there... Part of my troubleshooting last night - I completely deleted it from STEAM - went to your site and downloaded fresh copy and installed it the old way...

    I'll post the mission tonight - maybe I've just been staring at the issue so long I'm missing the obvious...

    Thanks one and all !


  15. Is there any way you can load the mission up on something other than your laptop?

    I mean, I highly highly doubt your laptop is the problem, but just to rule it out.

  16. I'll post the mission tonight - maybe I've just been staring at the issue so long I'm missing the obvious...

    That would have been my next question! We'll get it narrowed down.

  17. Hi Fokks,

    Hah - success - back in business - when I looked at this last night - I got a bit frustrated - had access to some good bandwidth (FIOS) - so I just deleted everything ArmA and reinstalled everything from scratch - yeah - the shotgun method - which doesn't leave an obvious smoking gun - but does work sometimes...

    I went back in - dropped a few ALiVE modules - and the correct troops showed up... What a relief... Something must have been mangled with the massive upgrades after being idle for so long... I only recently started using Eden as all my past work was I the 2D editor...

    So it was in the wee hours of the morning when I finished up - but - I did notice something else a that I haven't seen before - I'm back in IF and testing with American (Green) and German (Blue) forces wich are now showing up properly... It looks like they are moving to each other's objectives - however - nobody is fighting... They stroll up to each other and just stand around - mere feet from each other with nary a harsh word... I hadn't seen this before with RHS - is there a trick to start hostilities ?

    Thanks again everyone for your help and patience with me...


  18. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    You'll probably have to change the BLUFOR and INDEP relationship status (they're allies by default). It's somewhere in the "attributes" menu at the top of the screen I think.

  19. Hi Marcel,

    Ahh - ok - figured it was something like that - thanks so much - will take a look tonight...


  20. Hi Folks,

    Not Just a heads up - I keep getting this error - not sure if it means anything but it appears to be ALIVE related...



    Also - on the IF3 Staszow map - I don't seem to be able to get aircraft or CBQ troops in the buildings... Is this a known limitation on the map or is my setup wrong ?

    Mission Attached:

    I'll gladly take any other pointers on stuff I may be doing wrong...



  21. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Try opening and closing some of your core modules, such as any military commander modules, obj modules, ALiVE Required, Virtual AI and see if it goes away.

    For CQB, run the module with debug on, no filtering and with no blacklisting just to make sure some stuff is showing up on the map. Then adjust it from there.

    Though this error and your CQB problems could be indicative of a problem with the index. I've seen both of these things occur when using preview indexes and not running -filepatching and with maps that haven't been indexed yet.


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