TAORs within TAORs

  1. 8 years ago

    I keep looking at the market places on maps like Takistan, Sangrin, Kunduz etc and wishing they were a little more "bustling" with civilians. Normally I don't use a TAOR for civies, just a blacklist to stop them spawning in the blufor base etc and then let them spawn all across the map.

    If I put down 1 civilian module for the whole map, place TAORs at each market place and then add a second civilian module with those TAORS in it, will that give me a good coverage of civs plus extra around the market places?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Yes and no. The way TAOR's work is that they activate clusters for spawning. A cluster is simply a large circle with a center point. If the TAOR covers the center point, the cluster will initialize civilian spawn points in available buildings within it's range. So, while you cannot hand select a small area where you want more civs, you could have multiple civ placement modules that are only focused on the towns that contain these marketplaces.

    For a visual of the cluster system, place down a placement module, enable debug, and watch the map light up with each cluster point.

  3. Of course. I wasn't really thinking that through was I.

    I'll probably just end up placing them manually. Doesn't really need to be that many. Just liked the randomness of having ALiVE do it.

  4. Manually placed civs are more like zombies than people, just FYI.


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