tough script snippet question

  1. 8 years ago

    I am using the script snippet "Adding Custom Inits to Spawned Units" in the ALIVE wikki to do a custom load out for spawned units using RHS Russian troops (msv). I need to make just the RPG and rocket launching troops way less accurate. Is there a way to add a line into the script using the "aiming accuracy sub skill" settings for just these types of units?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Whigital

    Correct me if im wrong, but i think the ALiVE AISkill module use the "Man" class Init XEH to set the unit skills, so you have to delay your script so it doesn't get overwritten.

    I would tackle this with a script that for one, checks if its a unit/vehicle that actually needs its skills changed, and two, spawns some code with delay for that unit/vehicle.


    params ["_unit"];
    private ["_type", "_typeList"];
    // Units with RPGs in rhs_faction_msv
    _typeList =
    // Get type of unit spawned
    _type = (typeOf _unit);
    // If unit is in above list, spawn code with delay to lower "aimingAccuracy" ....
    if (_type in typeList) then
    	_null = [_unit] spawn
    		params ["_unit"];
    		private ["_aim", "_aimMod"];
    		waitUntil {!isNull _unit};
    		sleep 10;
    		_aim = _unit skill "aimingAccuracy";
    		_aimMod = (_aim * 0.3);
    		_unit setskill ["aimingAccuracy", _aimMod];

    Then call it as usual in in the XEH "Man" Init

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers
    	class Man
    		init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'setSkill_MSV_AT.sqf')";

    No guarantee the code works, but should point you in the right/some direction .....


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